




次の英文は、イギリス出身の教育者であり宣教師 (missionary) でもあったエミー・
カーマイケル (Amy Carmichael) さんの話です。これを読んで、(1) 〜 (6) の問いに

  Amy Carmichael was born in a village in England in 1867. Her parents always
worked hard to help other people. She was the oldest of her brothers and 
sisters. When Amy was a little girl, she liked to do dangerous things outside
with her brothers. So, her mother said, “Don’t do such things.” Amy listened to
her mother because she wanted to help people as a missionary like her 
parents in the future. She decided to be a good girl and helped her parents 
well. She also *prayed to *God every night with her parents.
  One morning, Amy stood in front of the mirror. She was sad because she
didn’t like her brown eyes. Her mother had clear blue eyes and Amy wanted
eyes like her mother’s. “Why do I have brown eyes?”  Any wondered. “If I had
blue eyes, I would be pretty,” Amy said to her mother. “I love your brown eyes,”
her mother said. That night, Amy prayed to God because she thought that God
can do anything. “Please, please give me blue eyes.” The next morning, Amy
ran to the mirror (A) in anticipation. But her eyes were still brown. Amy cried
because God didn’t answer her wish. Her mother told her, “Your eyes are so
beautiful. You don’t have to change the color of your eyes. I love you, Amy.”
  When Amy was twenty-seven years old, she went to India as a missionary. 
At that time in India, poor people often left their children at *facilities because
they couldn’t take care of them. But even in facilities, there was not enough 
food. One day, Amy met a girl who ran out of a facility. She looked hungry and
weak. After talking with her, Amy knew that the girl was seven years old and 
lived in very difficult conditions at the facility. She said to Amy, “There are 
a lot of other children like me in the facility.” When Amy heard (B) this
she decided to take action to help them.
  First, she had to meet and talk with the leader of the facility, but (C) it was
hard for her to meet him. In those days, in India, people from other 
countries couldn’t enter the facility. So, she had to change her *skin color and
wear Indian clothes. She stood in front of the mirror and put coffee powder
on her face to change her skin color.
  Then, Amy remembered what she prayed for in her childhood. “If I had
(  a  ) eyes, I couldn’t be like Indian people. I can change my skin color with
coffee powder, but I cannot change the color of my eyes. I don’t need blue 
eyes,” she thought. “My mother was right.”
  After she met the leader of the facility, Amy wrote some books about the
children in the facilities. Then people in the world learned about the children
and the government in India had to make laws to protect them.
  Thanks to her (  b  ) eyes, she could save a lot of children in India. “I’m proud
of myself and the color of my eyes. I realize I am worth living,” said Amy.
When Amy understood this, she loved herself more.
  She spent all her life in India and saved more than 1,000 children.

*pray:祈る   *God:神    *facility:施設   *skin:肌   

(1)下線部 (A) in anticipation の意味として最も適切なものを本文の内容から判断し

           ア  反省して          疲弊して          期待して          回復して 

(2)下線部 (B) this の指している内容を、次のア〜エから1つ選んで記号を書きな

  Amy’s brothers liked to do dangerous things.
  Amy’s eyes were beautiful.
ウ  The girl was seven  years old.
  Many hungry children were in the facility.

(3)下線部 (C)  It was hard for her to meet him の理由を、日本語で書きなさい。

(4)本文の内容から判断して、(   a   )、(   b   ) に当てはまる最も適切な英語1語

(5)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜カ から2つ選んで記号を書きなさい。

  Amy liked to play inside with her older brothers and sisters.
  Amy had a color of eyes that was different from her mother’s.
  Amy went to India when she was a little girl.
オ  Amy used coffee powder to meet the leader of the facility.
  Amy wrote some books to introduce England.
  Amy returned to England after working as a missionary.

(6)次の英文は、ある生徒が本文を読んで考えをまとめたものです。①、② に当て
   はまる最も適切な英語1語を、下の ア〜オ からそれぞれ1つずつ選んで記号

   I like two things about Amy’s story. First, Amy was strong and learned to
 (  ①  ) everything about herself.  Second, Amy didn’t (  ②  ) helping
children even in different situations. Amy made many children in India
happy. I want tobe a person like her.

  hurt         stop      start     answer      accept         

(1)下線部 (A) in anticipation の意味

(1)下線部 (A) in anticipation の意味として最も適切なものを本文の内容から判断し

           ア  反省して          疲弊して          期待して          回復して 


. That night, Amy prayed to God because she thought that God
can do anything. “Please, please give me blue eyes.” The next morning, Amy
ran to the mirror (A) in anticipation. But her eyes were still brown. Amy cried
because God didn’t answer her wish.

私に青い目をください。” 次の朝、エミーは (A) in anticipation 鏡のところへ走って

◎なぜこのような願いをエミーがしたのかというと …
※エミー本人は「茶色いめ」そして …
▶︎ここからすると、(A) は「神様への願い」がかなっていると思って、

ウ 期待して です。 

(2)(B) this の具体的な内容

(2)下線部 (B) this の指している内容を、次のア〜エから1つ選んで記号を書きな

  Amy’s brothers liked to do dangerous things.
  Amy’s eyes were beautiful.
ウ  The girl was seven  years old.
  Many hungry children were in the facility.


ア  エミーの兄弟たちは危険なことをするのが好きでした。
イ  エミーの目は美しかった。
ウ  その女の子は7歳でした。
エ  たくさんの飢えた子供たちがその施設にいました。

だから、”When Amy heard (B) this – 「エミーがこのことを聞いた時」” と

She said to Amy, “There are a lot of other children like me in the facility.”
When Amy heard (B) this, she decided to take action to help them.

👉黄色い下線部が、「このこと」の具体的な内容なのですが、”like me” がどのような
この “彼女” は、「施設から逃げ出した子で、空腹で弱々しく見えた」とあるので、
“like me” とは「私のように飢えた」という意味で考えるといいと思います。


エ Many hungry children were in the facility. となります。


(3) 下線部 (C)  It was hard for her to meet him の理由

(3)下線部 (C)  It was hard for her to meet him の理由を、日本語で書きなさい。

(C) は次のような意味です。


First, she had to meet and talk with the leader of the facility, but (C) it was
hard for her to meet him. In those days, in India, people from other 
countries couldn’t enter the facility. So, she had to change her *skin color and
wear Indian clothes. She stood in front of the mirror and put coffee powder
on her face to change her skin color.



当時他国の人はその施設に入ることができなかったから となります。

(4)(  a  ) (  b  ) に適切な英語を入れる問題

(4)本文の内容から判断して、(   a   )、(   b   ) に当てはまる最も適切な英語1語

◎( a ) を見ると、
▶︎ “If I had (  a  ) eyes, となっていて
   ( b ) を見ると、
▶︎ Thanks to her (  b  ) eyes, となっているので、
👉 (  a  ) (  b  ) には、「目の色」が入ることがわかります。
「目の色」としては、blue (青い) と brown (茶色い) の2色しか出てこないので、

まずは、(  a  ) の部分です。

  Then, Amy remembered what she prayed for in her childhood. “If I had
(  a  ) eyes, I couldn’t be like Indian people. I can change my skin color with
coffee powder, but I cannot change the color of my eyes. I don’t need blue 
eyes,” she thought. “My mother was right.”
“私が (  a  ) い目をしていたなら、私はインド人のようになれなかった。私はコーヒー

(  a  ) にはエミーの「目の色」ではない、なりたかった「目の色」が入ると

(  a  ) は、blue となります。

次は、(  b  )  の部分です。 

 Thanks to her (  b  ) eyes, she could save a lot of children in India. “I’m proud
of myself and the color of my eyes. I realize I am worth living,” said Amy.
When Amy understood this, she loved herself more.
「 彼女の (  b  ) い目のおかげで、彼女はインドのたくさんの子供たちを救うことが
あると、わかったのです。 エミーがこのことを理解した時、自分自身をもっと愛しま

(  b  ) には、エミーの本来の「目の色」が入るといいようです。

(  b  )  は、blue となります。


(5)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜カ から2つ選んで記号を書きなさい。

  Amy liked to play inside with her older brothers and sisters.
  Amy had a color of eyes that was different from her mother’s.
  Amy went to India when she was a little girl.
オ  Amy used coffee powder to meet the leader of the facility.
  Amy wrote some books to introduce England.
  Amy returned to England after working as a missionary.

ア  エミーは自分の兄やお姉さんたちと家の中で遊ぶことが好きだった。
イ  エミーは母とは違う目の色を持っていた。
ウ  エミーは小さい頃インドに行った。
エ  エミーはイングランドを紹介するために数冊の本を書いた。
オ  エミーは宣教師として働いた後にイングランドに戻った。


  Amy liked to play inside with her older brothers and sisters.
【 When Amy was a little girl, she liked to do dangerous things outside
with her brothers.】
▶︎ inside ではなく outside とあるので、❌

Amy had a color of eyes that was different from her mother’s.
【One morning, Amy stood in front of the mirror. She was sad because she
didn’t like her brown eyes. Her mother had clear blue eyes and Amy wanted
eyes like her mother’s.】

Amy went to India when she was a little girl.
【When Amy was twenty-seven years old, she went to India as a missionary. 】
▶︎ 27歳を、a little girl とは言えないので、❌

Amy used coffee powder to meet the leader of the facility.
【So, she had to change her *skin color and wear Indian clothes. She stood in front of the mirror and put coffee powder on her face to change her skin

Amy wrote some books to introduce England.
➡️ Amy はイングランド出身ですが ….(1段目に書かれています )
※6段落目には、Amy wrote some books about the children in the facilities.
[エミーは施設の子供達について本を書きました。] とはあります。

Amy returned to England after working as a missionary.
➡️ 一番最後の英文を見るとわかります。
【 She spent all her life in India and saved more than 1,000 children.】

ここから、解答は、  となります。


(6)次の英文は、ある生徒が本文を読んで学んだことをまとめたものです。①、② に
当てはまる最も適する英語1語を、下の ア〜オから1つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。

   I like two things about Amy’s story. First, Amy was strong and learned to
 (  ①  ) everything about herself. Second, Amy didn’t (  ②  ) helping
children even in difficult situations. Amy made many children in India
happy. I want to be a person like her.

  hurt         stop      start     answer      accept         

– 私はエミーの物語について2つのことが好きです。最初の1つは、エミーは強くて
彼女自身についての全てのことを (  ①  ) することを学んだ。2つ目は、エミーは
難しい状況でさえ子供たちを助けることを (  ②  ) しなかった。エミーはインドに

  hurt:傷づける        stip:止める、やめる     start:始める   
  answer:答える     accept:受け入れる        

①には accept 入るようです。

– ②には stop が入るようです。

① オ accept, ② イ stop となります。

① First, Amy was strong and learned to accept everything about herself. 
② Second, Amy didn’t stop helping children even in difficult situations.










