21-ラジオビジネス英語 8/20

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Interview 5 Part 6  21st-Century Skills (Ben Nelson)

▶︎8月Ben Nelson さんとのインタビュー。
– ペンシルバニア大学ウォートンスクール卒業
– 2005年 Snapfish(写真共有サービス)のCEOに就任
– 2014年9月に Minerva Schools at KGI (ミネルバ大学)を解説



▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

▶︎OK, let’s listen to today’s interview.

Words and Phrases 

● uncertainty ▶︎不確実性
– The unknown, not knowing what’s going to happen, and
perhaps a feeling of stress because of that.
– For example, there’s too much uncertainty about 
my company’s future. So I’ve decided to look for another job.

● competency ▶︎能力
– A competency is a proficiency or something a person
understands well. Mr. Nelson brought up cultural competencies
or cultural understanding that could be used to interact well 
with people from other cultures.

● futuristic ▶︎未来の
– What we imagine the future to be.
Something that can be used in the future, for the future.
This may involve thoughts or concept design for future use.
Such as a futuristic car.





● travesty ▶︎茶番
– A travesty is a failure to represent as intended, 
a bad imitation. Not living up to what something should be.
If something is a travesty, it means that it’s too bad, 
that it isn’t what it should be.

● graduate ▶︎卒業生
– As a noun, we say “graduate.”
But as a verb, we say “graduate.”
– A graduate is someone who has graduated.
For example, most of our new employees are 
recent graduates.

● have 〜 at one’s fingertips ▶︎〜がすぐに使える
– Something that is easily accessible, readily available.
This can be used in a broader sense, like having a skill
at your fingertips. This is a skill that you can use easily.
It can also be used more literally, as in “with smartphones
almost all information is at our fingertips.”

● desperate ▶︎差し迫った
 – In extreme need or desire for something.
For example, this house is in desperate need for repair.
It’s dangerous.


Interview 5 Part 6 は終了です。

