21-ラジオビジネス英語 7/30

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Interview 5 Part 2  21st-Century Skills (Ben Nelson)

▶︎8月Ben Nelson さんとのインタビュー。
– ペンシルバニア大学ウォートンスクール卒業
– 2005年 Snapfish(写真共有サービス)のCEOに就任
– 2014年9月に Minerva Schools at KGI (ミネルバ大学)を解説






▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● skeptic ▶︎懐疑論者
– Someone who questions or doubts. If someone is a skeptic,
they haven’t been convinced about something.
– Mr. Shibata mentioned that Ben Nelson had skeptics, those
who questioned or didn’t believe in his visions for university.

● higher education ▶︎高等教育
– Education at universities or colleges that lead to degrees.
Generally, this means formal education after high school.
And it’s sometimes called “post secondary education.”

● envision ▶︎思い描く
– To envision means to imagine possibilities or solutions.
To visualize. Envisioning is imagining or having expectations
about something in the future.

● scaffold ▶︎足場を設ける
– Scaffolding in education or instructional scaffolding is 
instructional support that allows students to learn more 
independently. It provides a supportive framework where 
students can feel confident in talking their next steps in 
their studies like this supportive scaffolding of a building
under construction.

● flaw ▶︎欠陥
– An imperfection, a weak point, a fault or mistake.
A fundamental flaw is something basic that is very wrong,
such as a fundamental flaw in a plan.

Upgrade Your Questioning Skills

① inferior – 「劣っている」
□ 言い切る:say confidently


Interview 5 Part 2 は終了です。

