21-ラジオビジネス英語 7/22

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Interview 4 Part 7  Inclusive Society (Josh Grisdale)

▶︎7月Josh Grisdale さんとのインタビュー。
– カナダ出身
– 4歳の時から車いすの生活を送る。
– 2007年に日本に移り住み、2016年に日本の国籍を取得。
– 東京都内の高齢者施設に勤務し、ウェブサイトの制作・運営を担当
– 2015年には、海外の障害者に向けた日本観光の英語情報サイト


▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● progress ▶︎進歩する
– To move forward, to make improvements.
As a noun, we say “progress,” but as a verb we say

● strive ▶︎努力する
– To make efforts, or work hard towards something.
To aim for something.






● for sure ▶︎確実に
– Absolutely, I’m sure, definitely, without a doubt.
“For sure” is an informal way of saying or emphasizing
“sure” or “surely.”

● integrate into 〜 ▶︎〜に溶け込む
– To implement, to mix with or combine.
To incorporate or blend something into another thing.

● integration ▶︎溶け込むこと
– Mixing or combining, blending in.
Uniting different things.
– In this case, “integration” refers to incorporating individuals
of different groups as equals into a society or organization.

Upgrade Your Questioning Skills

□ 障害者雇用率 – employment rate of people with disabilities
□ 徐々に引き上げられる – be gradually raised
□ 数字 – figure


Interview 4 Part 7 は終了です。

