21-ラジオビジネス英語 7/2

tweet で発信してきたものを、

Interview 4 Part 2  Inclusive Society (Josh Grisdale)

▶︎7月Josh Grisdale さんとのインタビュー。
– カナダ出身
– 4歳の時から車いすの生活を送る。
– 2007年に日本に移り住み、2016年に日本の国籍を取得。
– 東京都内の高齢者施設に勤務し、ウェブサイトの制作・運営を担当
– 2015年には、海外の障害者に向けた日本観光の英語情報サイト


▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● feedback  ▶︎フィードバック
– Reaction to something or someone. A performance review,
an evaluation.
– Mr. Shibata asked, “What kind of feedback was received from
users of the website?” Those viewers gave the thoughts and
opinions on how to make the site better.





● obviously ▶︎明らかに
– (It) goes without saying, clearly, easily understood.
– Mr. Grisdale said that since he writes in English, it’s obvious
or it goes without saying the most of the viewers can speak

● I would say  ▶︎まあ〜でしょうね。
– In my opinion, in my estimation, I think.
This is used when stating your opinion although it may 
require additional facts or others may not agree.

● a variety of 〜 ▶︎さまざまな〜
– Many variations, may types.
– Mr. Grisdale said that there’s a wide variety of people using
“Accessible Japan.” This means there’re many people from
many countries, backgrounds and situations who use this site.

● impression ▶︎印象
– In an idea, feeling or opinion without too much thought or
research. A general idea.
– An example would be “she’s always working so hard. I bet
she never sleeps. I’m not sure that’s just the impression that
I get.”

● anyways(=anyway) ▶︎とにかく
– “Anyways” is the informal form of “anyway.”
It’s more common in casual speech.
– Mr. Grisdale said one of the surprises, to me, anyways,
was that there are a lot of people traveling with elderly
parents. In this case, he uses “anyways” to mark an end
to his personal opinion, and resume the main part of
his sentence.

Upgrade Your Questioning Skills

◎ 年齢層によって ▶︎ depending on their age group
・depending on「〜次第、〜による」という時に使われますが、
※How do the needs of the audiences differ depending on
their age group?



Interview 4 Part 2 は終了です。
