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Interview 1 part 7 The Multi-stage Life (Lynda Gratton )
▶︎今月は Lynda Gratton さんとのインタビュー。
– ロンドン・ビジネススクール教授
2015年『LIFE SHIFT』(アンドリュー・スコットとの共著)ほか、ベストセラーに。
▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.
▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively
in business.
▶︎So let’s get started!
Words and Phrases
● livehood ▶︎生活
– A way of life, being able to acquire everything
necessary for life, such as water, food, clothes,
a place to live, etc,
– It also means “working” or “earning money.”
● resilient ▶︎すぐに立ち直る
– If someone is resilient, they can overcome just
about anything.
● i.e. ▶︎つまり (ラテン語 id est の略)
– A rewording, clarification or example.
In other words.
– The Latin phrase “i.e.” means “that is.”
It’s pronounced “i” “e”. But it’s written as “i.e.”
And it’s always followed by comma.
Upgrade Your Questioning Skills
Exercise 1 の回答例の後に
– You don’t necessarily have a stable job
during the crisis. So savings are vital to
make a living.
– Under the new normal, however, it’s more
about working collaboratively in a joint world.
So having good human relationships are
equally important.
Interview 1 part 7 は終了です。