tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 135 今週の Review
Opening で

Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Today is
Friday, so that means it’s time for the review.

No, it can’t be. Quickly. Chris McVay here.
So again, we’d better get started.
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 131 助動詞 can の許可
Q:Which guitar will the man use?
-A. Cynthia’s.
-B. The one Paul bought in Japan.
-C. The one that one of their fans gave him.
Tuesday Lesson 132 助動詞 can の潜在的性質
Q:Which of the following is true?
-A. Hiroki and Alana are working at their office.
-B. It’s sometimes quiet at Hiroki’s apartment.
-C. Their office is always quiet.
Wednesday Lesson 133 助動詞 should のアドバイス
Q:Why does Tom think Masami likes Sota?
-A. Because she is always worried about him.
-B. Because Sota told him so.
-C. Because they went bungee jumping together.
Thursday Lesson 134 助動詞 should の確信
Q:What was Barbara doing?
-A. She was checking her schedule.
-B. She was buying a condominium.
-C. She was meeting a client.
▶︎Hope you guys enjoyed our lesson.
▶︎And next time we’ll bring more fun examples for you to study.
Words and Phrases
① All you have to do is 〜.
② be seeing 〜
Lesson 135 は終了!