tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 150 今週の Review
Opening で

Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
Oops! I repeated myself.
You know why?
Because it’s Friday.

That means it’s review. And that’s
based on repetition. Chris McVay
here. Let’s go!
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 146 現在形②:現在の思考は現在形で
Q:Which of the following is true about Akira?
-A. He’s never played video games.
-B. He is angry.
-C. He is doing a wonderful job.
Tuesday Lesson 147 現在形③: 宣言・実演
Q:What’s Arnold’s promise?
-A. To give Yayoi his autograph.
-B. To surprise Yayoi.
-C. To ask Yayoi to call him Arnold.
Wednesday Lesson 148 現在形④: 未来の出来事を前提とするなら現在形
Q:What is the good news?
-A. Sejun paid back the loan.
-B. Mirei helped many students.
-C. Sejun’s application was approved.
Thursday Lesson 149 進行形①:進行形の基礎
Q:Who is Deepak?
-A. He is a tourist.
-B. He is a chef with a work visa.
-C. He is Barbara’s boyfriend.
▶︎Hey, you know. Look at the picture in the textbook.
It looks like you, Sensei. You always miss your deadline?
▶︎NO! I always meet the deadline.
▶︎Me too! That’s because we’re very serious about our work.
※ be serious about 〜
Words and Phrases
① arrivals exit
② meet the deadline
③ miss the deadline
Lesson 150 は終了!