




次の英文は、国連機関である国連世界食料計画(WFP)とネパール(Nepal)出身の女性ニムドマ・シェルパ(Nimdoma Sherpa) さんの取り組みについての話です。これを読んで、(1) 〜 (6) の問いに答えなさい。なお、[1] 〜 [6]は段落の番号を表します。





[1] Have you ever heard of the WFP? It has supported many children in the
world since 1963. For example, the WFP has held the Red Cup Campaign for about ten years. When people buy something with the logo shown on the right, some money from it will go to the WFP. The WFP uses the money to improve
the children’s health and lives.

on the right の部分、ブログの形式上、一番最初の部分に logo を掲載します。

[2] In the world, there are many poor children who cannot get *education. Especially, it is hard for children in poor countries to go to school. For example,
in Nepal, some children have no schools or teachers in their *community, and
other children must work to get money and food for their family. They believe
that working for their family is the only thing they can do. They don’t think
about what they want to do. But since the WFP started to support them,
more children in the country have begun to go to school and think about
their future.
[3] Nimdoma Sherpa was one of the children who were supported by the WFP. She lived in a small town in Nepal. When she was a little girl, she was always
crying because she was hungry. But she was lucky because the WFP gave
school lunches to the children at the school near her house. At first, Nimdoma
went to school to eat, and she was not so interested in studying. Later, she
learned a lot of new things at school and began to think about her dream.
She says, “When I was a little girl, I wanted to do something different, something
big, something special, but I didn’t know what it was. Through education, I 
I found a (          ). It was to *climb the highest mountain, *Mt. Everest.”
In 2008, when she was 17 years old, she became the youngest woman in
the world to climb it.
[4] Nimdoma’s great (A) feat changed her life. After climbing Mt. Everest,
she wanted to tell children her experiences and messages. She joined the 
volunteer work with the WFP, and became a member of the WFP. She visits
many elementary schools in Nepal to talk about her experiences. She says,
“I believe that everyone has a dream. I teach children the importance of 
having a dream and working hard for it. I believe education opens the door
to many different words that children never knew.”
[5] Now, poor children receiving help from the WFP are happy because they
can eat lunch and study at school. The children’s health is becoming better. So
their family members feel happy. They work without worrying about children’s
food while the children are in school. And the community is becoming better
with (B) the help from the WFP.  The WFP buys food that children eat at school
from their town. Because of this, the number of jobs in community is increasing.
For example, some people get jobs to *grow rice and beans for school lunch.
Other people get jobs to cook school lunch.
[6] Education gives every child a chance to make their own future. It also has
the power to improve the community. Now, there are many children studying 
at school with a dream and a hope for their future. When you see the logo
of the Red Cup Campaign, remember these children and think about the
importance of education.

*education:教育                 *community:地域社会   *climb:登る   
*Mt. Everest:エベレスト山   *grow:育てる 

 What Nimdoma wants to teach children on her vist
 Why people feel glad with the help of the WFP
 What is the problem of poor children in Nepal
 How Nimdoma spent her child days
 What the WFP does with the Red Cup Campaign

(2)(          ) に当てはまる英語1語を、第[3]段落から抜き出して書きなさい。

(3)下線部 (A) feat の意味として最も適切なものを、本文の内容から判断して、次のから1つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア  孤独       イ  仲間       ウ  挫折       エ  偉業

(4)下線部 (B) the help from the WFP の具体的の内容を、解答欄にしたがって、日本語で書きなさい。


(4) 国連世界食料計画が

(5)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜カ から2つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
  The WFP is trying to make children’s lives better with the Red Cup Campaign.
  The number of the children going to school in Nepal is becoming smaller.
  Nimdoma had no chance to learn new things at school before she was 17 years old.
  Nimdoma shared her experiences at elementary schools in Nepal before going to Mt. Everest.
  Nimdoma believes children can find new worlds they didn’t know through education.
  The families of the poor children supported by the WFP  must worry about children’s school lunches.

(6)次の英文は、ある生徒が本文を読んで学んだことをまとめたものです。本文の内容に合うように、①、② に適する英語1語を、下の ア〜オ からそれぞれ1つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。

ー I didn’t know that there are many poor children going to school to eat. With the help from the WFP, they can (       ①       ) their good health and continue to study. It is good for the WFP to support them. After reading this story, I understood learning at school is important. I want to learn about the world’s problems and think about ways (       ②      ) to well.

ア  lose   イ  live   ウ   keep   エ  borrow   オ  invite


 What Nimdoma wants to teach children on her vist
 Why people feel glad with the help of the WFP
 What is the problem of poor children in Nepal
 How Nimdoma spent her child days
 What the WFP does with the Red Cup Campaign


ア  ニムドマさんが訪問時に子供たちに教えたいこと
イ  人々がWFPの助けで嬉しく感じる理由
ウ  ネパールの貧しい子供達の問題
エ  ニムドマの子供時代の過ごし方
オ  WFPが レッド・カップ・キャンペーンとすること

WFP(国連世界食料計画)と Red Cup Campaign について説明しています。
▶︎ WFP と Red Cup Campaign の関係
– レッド・カップ・キャンペーンのロゴがついた物品を購入すると、幾らかの
お金が WFP に入り、WFP が子供たちの健康と生活のために使われる。

– 例として Nepal を挙げて説明
・For example, in Nepal, some children have no schools or teachers in their community,
and other children must work to get money and food for their family.
・They believe that working for their family is the only thing they can do.
・They don’t think about what they want to do.


▶︎ここに、WFP のサポートが入ります
・But since the WFP started to support them, more children in the country have begun to go to school and  think about their future.


[2]段落についてはネパールの問題について取り上げているので、 の見出しが適切です。

◎ [3]段落では…
Nimdoma Sherpa が登場し、どのような人物であるかについて説明しています。
▶︎ネパール出身で WFP のサポートを受けた子供の1人
– 教育を受けて、新しいことを学び、「夢」をもち、エベレスト山に登頂した

◎ [4]段落では…
▶︎ Nimdoma がエベレスト山に登った後にしたこと、変わったこと
– 自分の経験やメッセージを子供たちに伝え、WFP とともにボランティア活動に参加
・After climbing Mt. Everest, she wanted to tell children her experiences and 
・She joined the volunteer work with the WFP, and became a member of the WFP.
・She visits many elementary schools in Nepal to talk about her experiences.
・She says, “I believe that everyone has a dream. I teach children the
importance of having a dream and working hard for it. I believe education
opens the door to many different worlds that children never knew.”



第[4]段落の見出しは、 となります。


(2)(          ) に当てはまる英語1語を、第[3]段落から抜き出して書きなさい。

(          ) は、第[3]段落の後半部分にあります。

She says, “When I was a little girl, I wanted to do something 
different, something big, something special, but I didn’t know what it was.
Through education, I found a (          ). It was to *climb the highest mountain,
*Mt. Everest.”


(          ) を見つけました。それは一番高い山”エベレスト山” を登ることでした

(         ) は名詞で、ニムドマさんが、教育を受けことによって、見つけたもの、ということです。


Later, she learned a lot of new thing at school and began to think about her dream.


ニムドマさんが、教育を受けて見つけたものは、dream であることがわかります。


dream となります。
・Through education, I found a dream.

(3)feat の意味

(3)下線部 (A) feat の意味として最も適切なものを、本文の内容から判断して、次のから1つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア  孤独       イ  仲間       ウ  挫折       エ  偉業


◎ feat が入っている英文を抜き出すと下記の通り。[4]段落の最初です。
・Nimdoma’s great (A) feat changed her life. After climbing Mt. Everest, she wanted to tell children her experiences and messages.

・ニムドマは偉大な (A) feat は、彼女の人生を変えました。エベレスト山を登った後、

▶︎直前の [3]段落では、
👉 この続きからすると、feat は、若くして「エベレスト山の登頂を成功させたこと」

この内容に選択肢の中 (ア  孤独  イ  仲間  ウ  挫折  エ  偉業)で合うものは、

エ  偉業  で、これが正解となります。

(4)the help from the WFP の具体的な内容

(4)下線部 (B) the help from the WFP の具体的の内容を、解答欄にしたがって、日本語で書きなさい。


(B) the help from the WFP の前後の文を確認してみましょう。{5}段落の真ん中あたりです。
・They work without worrying about children’s food while the children are in school. And the community is becoming better with (B) the help from the WFP.  The WFP buys food that children eat at school from their town. Because of this, the number of jobs in community is increasing.




(4) 国連世界食料計画が 子供たちが学校で食べる食べ物を彼ら自身の町から買うこと


(5)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜カ から2つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
  The WFP is trying to make children’s lives better with the Red Cup Campaign.
  The number of the children going to school in Nepal is becoming smaller.
  Nimdoma had no chance to learn new things at school before she was 17 years old.
  Nimdoma shared her experiences at elementary schools in Nepal before going to Mt. Everest.
  Nimdoma believes children can find new worlds they didn’t know through education.
  The families of the poor children supported by the WFP  must worry about children’s school lunches.

ア  WFPはレッド・カップ・キャンペーンで子供たちの生活をより良くしようとしている。
イ  ネパールで学校に行く子供たちの数はより少なくなっている。
ウ  ニムドマさんは17歳になる前は学校で新しいことを学ぶ機会がなかった。
エ  ニムドマさんはエベレスト山に行く前にネパール小学校で自分の経験を共有した。
オ  ニムドマさんは子供達は教育を通して知らなかった新しい世界を見つけられると信じている。
カ  WFPにより支援された貧しい子供達の家族は子供達の学校の昼食の心配しなければならない。


  WFP is trying to make children’s lives better with the Red Cup Campaign.
→{1]段落に、WFP と Red Cup Campaign の関係について書かれています。
“For example, the WFP has held the Red Cup Campaign for about ten years. When people buy something with logo shown on the right, some money from it will goto the WFP. The WFP  uses the money to improve the children’s health and lives.”
(例えば、WFP はレッド・カップ・キャンペーンを約10年間行なっている。人々が
右側に示されたロゴのあるものを購入すると、そこからの一部のお金が WFP に入り

  The number of the children going to school in Nepal is becoming smaller.
“But since the WFP started to support them, more children in the country have
begun to go to school and think about their future.”

  Nimdoma had no chance to learn new things at school before she was 17 years old.
→[3]段落の最後に、”when she was 17 years old” とあるのでそこを確認します。
“Through education, I found a dream. It was to clime the highest mountain, Mt. Everest.” In 2008, when she was 17 years old, she became the youngest woman in the world to climb it.
▶︎「17歳で夢であったエベレスト山の登頂に成功」そして、その前に「教育を通して、夢を見つけた」- とあるので、明らかに「17歳前に」学校で新しいことを学んでいたはずです。そこから、❌ となります。

  Nimdoma shared her experiences at elementary schools in Nepal
before going to Mt. Everest.
“After climbing Mt. Everest, she wanted to tell children her experiences and

  Nimdoma believes children can find new worlds they didn’t know through education.
“I believe education opens the door to many different worlds that children never knew.”
(ニムドマさんの言葉です – 「私は教育は子供達が決して知ることがなかったたくさんの違う世界への扉を開けるのだと信じています」)

  The families of the poor children supported by the WFP must worry about children’s school lunches.
“Now, poor children receiving help from the WFP are happy because they can eat lunch and study at school. The children’s health is becoming better. So their family members feel happy. They work without worrying about children’s food while children are in school.”

ここから、解答は、  となります。


(6)次の英文は、ある生徒が本文を読んで学んだことをまとめたものです。本文の内容に合うように、①、② に適する英語1語を、下の ア〜オ からそれぞれ1つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。

ー I didn’t know that there are many poor children going to school to eat. With the help from the WFP, they can (       ①       ) their good health and continue to study. It is good for the WFP to support them. After reading this story, I understood learning at school is important. I want to learn about the world’s problems and think about ways (       ②      ) to well.

ア  lose   イ  live   ウ   keep   エ  borrow   オ  invite

– 私は食べるために学校へ行くたくさんの貧しい子供達がいることを知りませんでした。WFPの援助で、彼らは健康を ① し、勉強を続けることができます。WFPが彼らをサポートすることは良いことです。この物語を読んだ後で、私は学校で学ぶことが大切であることがわかりました。私は世界の問題について学び、よく ② する方法について考えたいと思います。

– 内容からすると「健康である続けること」というニュアンスになればOKのようです。

“ways to ② well” で「よく〜する方法」という意味になります。
– 選択肢の中からであれば、live well 「よく生活する」が一番適切なようです。

① ウ keep, ② イ live となります。

① With the help from the WFP, they can keep their good health and continue to study.
② I want to learn about the world’s problems and think about ways to live well.











