21-ラジオビジネス英語 9/9

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Interview 6 Part 3  Sustainable Development 

▶︎9月Melati Wijsen さんとのインタビュー。
– 環境活動家
– インドネシア – バリ島生まれ
– 2013年、12歳のときに、2歳年下の妹イザベルと、プラスチックごみを
– 2018年、2人はTIME誌の25 Most Influential Teens に選ばれる



▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

▶︎OK, let’s listen to today’s interview.

Words and Phrases 

● turning point ▶︎転換点
– An important step. A time where a major change in a situation
happens. This is usually a positive change.
– Mr. Shibata asked about a turning point or when a moment,
when a major positive shift occurred.






● implement ▶︎導入する
– To put something into effect, to put something into operation.
If something is implemented, you make sure that it becomes
used or that a plan is put into action.
– Melatii said, “we have to see this law implemented,” or “we
have to see that this law becomes official and enforced.”

● hold 〜 accountable ▶︎〜に責任を課す
– To hold someone accountable for something means to
consider them responsible for it, or blame them. They have to
answer for their actions.
– For example, the boss is holding me accountable
when it comes to recycling in the office. If there’re any mistakes,
I’ll get in trouble.

● petition▶︎陳情
– A formal written request signed by several people.
A document signed by a large number of people asking for
or demanding action or change.
This is usually given to government officials with the hope that
a law or policy will change.

● be onto something ▶︎いい線をいっている
– Going in the right direction. 
Being onto something means discovering that something is 
important or special. To be in a positive that could lead to 
positive results.
– For example, our new sales strategy has had great results.
I think we’re onto something. In other words, continuing with
this new sales strategy has great potential for even more success.


Interview 6 Part 3 は終了です。

