21-ラジオビジネス英語 4/15

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Interview 1 part 5  The Multi-stage Life (Lynda Gratton )

▶︎今月は Lynda Gratton さんとのインタビュー。
– ロンドン・ビジネススクール教授
2015年『LIFE SHIFT』(アンドリュー・スコットとの共著)ほか、ベストセラーに。


▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● diet ▶︎食生活
– The food you eat, your dietary habits. This is not to be 
confused with going on a diet to lose weight, which we
can gather from context.
– For example, my weight is OK, but my doctor wants me
to have a more balanced, nutritious diet.





level out ▶︎平準化する
– To find balance, getting a sense of equality, to even out,
offset or settle down.
– Ms, Gratton explains that in the UK the process of more 
people moving to cities outside of London is known as
leveling out.

 flexible work ▶︎柔軟な働き方
– A job that has flexible working conditions, especially
where you can work remotely.
– Ms. Gratton explains  flexible work as not having to
come into the office every day.
– An example would be “many job seekers are looking 
for a job with flexible work, so they don’t have to 

Upgrade Your Questioning Skill

Exercise 1 の回答例の後に
– The reactions are mixed. Well, a lot of work can be done
outside of the office. Some office work requires people 
to be present. Leaders need to be more intentional about
their choices and tradeoffs.


Interview 1 part 5 は終了です。

