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月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 25 今週の Review
Opening で

Hey, everyone. Roza Akino here.
Ready to do your best for today’s
lesson? Let’s go!

Well, after such mind-boggling introductions,
I’ll just say. Chris McVay here. Let’s go!
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 21 基本文型 説明型①:be動詞文の基本
Q:What is Doris’s job?
-A. Making movies.
-B. Designing websites.
-C. Dancing.
Tuesday Lesson 22 基本文型 説明型②:前置詞語句を説明語句に
Q:What is Taeko doing?
-A. She’s having lunch.
-B. She’s in a meeting.
-C. She’s preparing a list of jobs.
Wednesday Lesson 23 基本文型 説明型③:to不定詞を説明語句に
Q:Which of the following is NOT true of the woman?
-A. She does not believe the rock samples are not from an asteroid.
-B. She wants to be an astronaut.
-C. She wants to go to the Moon.
Thursday Lesson 24 基本文型 説明型④:(that)節・if/whether節を説明語句に
Q:What is the bad news?
-A. The new refrigerator won’t arrive for a while.
-B. The new refrigerator is too big to fit into the house.
-C. The man didn’t measure the refrigerator.

Hey, Chris. Are you allergic to

Well, I’m kind of allergic to wasabi,
because wasabi always attacks me,
you know. What about you, Roza?

Well, actually, I have
a very serious allergy.

What’s that?

I’m allergic to Onishi Sensei!

But not to me, right?

Of course not!
Words and Phrases
① safe
② may have +過去分詞
▶︎過去の出来事を現在 may(かもしれない) と
③ be allergic to 〜
Lesson 25 は終了!