

今回は、[3] を扱いますが、


[3] ・・・会話文の内容読解

次の英文は、中学生の恵美が、セラピードッグ ( therapy dogs) について、ALTのキーン先生
( Ms. Kean ) と会話している場面のものです。これを読んで、問いに答えなさい。

Ms. Kean : Megumi, what are you going to talk about for your speech in the next English
– class?

Megumi :  I’m going to talk about therapy dogs, so I’m studying about them now.
Ms. Kean : That’s a good idea. Why did you decide to talk about them?
Megumi : When I went to the *nursing home as a volunteer last week, I saw a dog there.
– I didn’t
 know why the dog was there, but the *staff told me that it was a therapy dog
– which helps the old people there. The dog isn’t just a pet.
Ms. Kean : Now I know why you became interested in therapy dogs. We have them in
 too. 『     』did the therapy dog help them?
Megumi : *Actually, the dog did nothing then. I was surprised to know that it was very
-*helpful just by staying with the old people.
Ms. Kean : I see. 『     』were the old people with the therapy dog?
Megumi : They smiled and looked happy. One of them said, “【  (1)   】stay with the
Ms. Kean : I understand that because my pet dog in my country also makes me happy.
– Well, do you know that some other animals can also help people?
Megumi : 【  (2)      】
Ms. Kean : Sure. For example, *rabbits can also help people just like therapy dogs.
Megumi : Really?
Ms. Kean : Yes. Rabbits look very cute, so people can feel *comfortable and *positive when
– they touch or talk to rabbits. And horses are also helpful for people. I sometimes ride a
– horse after school at a *ranch in this town. It’s very fun and I feel my body has become
– *healthier. I know a woman who *recovered from her *disease earlier by riding a horse.
Megumi : Wow! I also want to learn how to ride a horse. Please take me to the ranch
– someday.

Ms. Kean : Of course!

nursing home  (老人などの)療養所   staff  職員   actually  実際には
helpful   役に立つ    rabbit(s)   うさぎ    comfortable  心地よい
positive   前向きな   ranch  牧場    healthy  健康な
recover from  〜から回復する  disease  病気


問1 本文の内容から考えて、『   』に共通して入る最も適当な英語を1語で書きなさい。


問2 下線部が、セラピードッグと一緒にいるとうれしいということを表す英文になるように、
【  (1)    】に入る主語と動詞を含む英語を書きなさい。


問3 本文の内容から考えて、【      (2)      】に入る英文として最も適当なものを、 から選びなさい。
ア  Yes. I should stay with the therapy dog.
イ  Yes. I want to help the old people.
ウ  No. Make my dog happy.
エ  No. Please tell me more.


問4 本文の内容に合うものを、  から2つ選びなさい。
ア  Megumi didn’t know the dog in the nursing home was a therapy dog at first.
イ  The old people in the nursing home smiled because because Megumi was surprised.
ウ  Ms. Kean has a therapy dog in her country to help the sick people at a ranch.
エ  Ms. Kean has become healthier because she sometimes rides a horse at a ranch.
オ  Megumi will take Ms. Kean to the ranch to teach her how to ride a horse.


問5 次の英文は、恵美がキーン先生との会話の後に書いた日記の一部です。日記の内容から考えて、
[          ] に入る適当な英語で書きなさい。

ー After I talked with Ms. Kean, I studied more about therapy dogs. I learned that the dogs need to practice hard for more than twenty months to work at a hospital. It means that it takes almost two [          ] a therapy dog! I was surprised to know that.



問1 本文の内容から考えて、『   』に共通して入る最も適当な英語を1語で書きなさい。

・2つある『   』の前後の文を確認してみましょう。

Ms. Kean : 〜 . We have them (therapy dogs) in America, too.『   』did the therapy dog
– help them?

Megumi : Actually, the dog did nothing then. I was surprised to know that it was very
– helpful just by staying with the old people.
Ms. Kean : I see.『   』were the old people with the therapy dog?
Megumi : They smiled and looked happy. 

どちらも、疑問文で『   』の後に did や were があるので、
おそらく『   』には、wh疑問詞が入るであろうことがわかります。
▶︎ wh疑問詞には、
what, who, when, where, which, whose, how があり、
(「新しい情報」が、「もの」であれば what、「人」であれば who などのように。)

👉何らかの状況や人・ものの「様子」をたずねる場合は、how を使います。


how となります。
How did the therapy dog help them?
How were the old people with the therapy dog?


問2 下線部が、セラピードッグと一緒にいるとうれしいということを表す英文になるように、
【  (1)    】に入る主語と動詞を含む英語を書きなさい。


Ms. Kean : I see. 『 How 』were the old people with the therapy dog?
Megumi : They smiled and looked happy. One of them said, “【  (1)   】stay with the
-therapy dog.”
Ms. Kean : I understand that because my pet dog in my country also makes me happy.

メ:微笑んで、楽しそうに見えました、彼らの1人が言いました、「【    (1)    】セラピードッグと


👉「〜してうれしい」というのは、to 不定詞を用いて、
「be happy/glad to 動詞の原形〜」という形で表現することができます。
👉主語は、老人の1人が言っている言葉で、” I ” を用いて、


I am happy/glad to stay with the therapy dog.


問3 本文の内容から考えて、【      (2)      】に入る英文として最も適当なものを、 から選びなさい。
ア  Yes. I should stay with the therapy dog.
イ  Yes. I want to help the old people.
ウ  No. Make my dog happy.
エ  No. Please tell me more.

ア  はい。私はセラピードッグと一緒にいるべきだ。
イ  はい。私は老人を助けたいのです。
ウ  いいえ。私の犬を楽しくさせて。
エ  いいえ。私にもっと教えて。


Ms. Kean : I understand that because my pet dog in my country also makes me happy. Well,
do you know that some other animals can also help people?
Megumi : 【  (2)      】
Ms. Kean : Sure. For example, *rabbits can also help people just like therapy dogs.

メ:【  (2)      】




エ   No. Please tell me more. となります。


問4 本文の内容に合うものを、  から2つ選びなさい。
ア  Megumi didn’t know the dog in the nursing home was a therapy dog at first.
イ  The old people in the nursing home smiled because Megumi was surprised.
ウ  Ms. Kean has a therapy dog in her country to help the sick people at a ranch.
エ  Ms. Kean has become healthier because she sometimes rides a horse at a ranch.
オ  Megumi will take Ms. Kean to the ranch to teach her how to ride a horse.

ア  恵美は最初療養所の犬がセラピードッグであることを知らなかった。
イ  療養所の老人たちは恵美が驚いたので微笑んだ。
ウ  キーン先生は牧場の病人を助けるために自分の国でセラピードッグを飼っている。
エ  キーン先生は牧場で時々馬に乗るので健康的になっている。
オ  恵美さんはキーン先生に乗馬の仕方を教えるために牧場へ彼女を連れて行くつもりだ。


▶︎ア  Megumi didn’t know the dog in the nursing home was a therapy dog at first.
→最初に、恵美さんがスピーチの題材を therapy dogs にした理由を述べています。
“When I went to the nursing home as a volunteer last week, I saw a dog there. I didn’t know
why the dog was there, but the staff told me that it was a therapy dog which helps the
old people there. The dog isn’t just a pet.”

▶︎イ  The old people in the nursing home smiled because Megumi was surprised.
“I was surprised to know that it was very helpful by staying with the old people,”

▶︎ウ   Ms. Kean has a therapy dog in her country to help the sick people at a ranch.
“I understand that because my pet dog in my country also makes me happy.”

▶︎エ  Ms. Kean has become healthier because she sometimes rides a horse at a ranch.
“I sometimes ride a horse after school at a ranch in this town. It’s very fun and I feel
my body has become healthier.”

▶︎オ Megumi will take Ms. Kean to the ranch to teach her how to ride a horse.
Megumi : Wow! I also want to learn how to ride a horse. Please take me to the ranch someday.


ア、エ の2つとなります。

ア  Megumi didn’t know the dog in the nursing home was a therapy dog at first.
エ  Ms. Kean has become healthier because she sometimes rides a horse at a ranch.


問5 本文の内容に合うようものを、ア 〜オから2つ選びなさい。
ア  Kana and her family cleaned the beach after they ate lunch.
イ  Olivia hasn’t collected plastic garbage with her friends yet.
ウ  Kana read an article about Japanese garbage which is traveling so far.
エ  Some high school students in Hawaii cleaned the sea with fisher.
オ  Kana and Olivia decided to talk about the problems with their friends.

ア  香奈と家族は昼食を食べた後ビーチをきれいにしました。
イ  オリビアは友達とまだプラスチックごみを集めていない。
ウ  香奈は、とても遠くまで移動した日本のごみについての記事を読んだ。
エ  ハワイには漁師と海をきれいにする中学生もいた。
オ  香奈とオリビアは友達とその問題について話すことを決めた。

  Kana and her family cleaned the beach after they ate lunch.
→香奈とその家族の行動については最初の方に 香奈 の発言で示されています。
〜 But the beach we visited wasn’t clean, so after having lunch, we cleaned
it and collected many plastic bottles and plastic bags there.

  Olivia hasn’t collected plastic garbage with her friends yet.
→ア での香奈の話に続いて、オリビアも自分の経験を語っています。
Oh, I also cleaned a beach and collected them with my friends in
Hawaii last year.

 〜 an article about Japanese garbage which is traveling so far.
I read an article in a magazine about other problems of plastic garbage.

 Some high school students in Hawaii cleaned the sea with fishers.
I heard some Japanese high school students are trying to clean the sea with

  Kana and Olivia decided to talk about the problems with their friends.
So let’s start talking about the problems with our friends first!


ア   Kana and her family cleaned the beach after they ate lunch.
オ   Kana and Olivia decided to talk about the problems with their friends.


問5 次の英文は、恵美がキーン先生との会話の後に書いた日記の一部です。日記の内容から考えて、
[          ] に入る適当な英語で書きなさい。

ー After I talked with Ms. Kean, I studied more about therapy dogs. I learned that the dogs need to practice hard for more than twenty months to work at a hospital. It means that it takes almost two [          ] a therapy dog! I was surprised to know that.

ドッグ[             ] ほとんど 2 〜かかることを意味します!私はそれを知って驚きました。」

問題の文 “It means that it takes almost two [          ] a therapy dog!” は、
ー 前の英文は次の通りです。
“I learned that the dogs need to practice hard for more than twenty months to work at a hospital.”
almost two [               ]
という部分から、おそらく「ほとんど2年  – almost two years 」

It means it takes almost two years [          ] a therapy dog.
👉この形は、it takes 時間 to +不定詞 の形で、
▶︎ to become が残った部分に入るようです。


years to become  となります。
It means it takes almost two years to become a therapy dog.








