




次の英文は、アメリカに家族と引っ越し、新生活を始めた将之(Masayuki)と彼の近所に へ
住むエレン(Ellen)の話です。これを読んで (1) 〜 (7) の問いに答えなさい。

ーMasayuki started school about two weeks ago. He became friends with some classmates and sometimes played the guitar with them in his house. *Across from his house, one girl lived with her family. She played the piano very well. From his room,
Masayuki sometimes saw her at her window. He *waved at her, but she never waved or
smiled back at him. She looked (A) indifferent to him. He thought, “She likes to be alone and it is hard to become friends with her.
ーOne evening, Masayuki was writing about the day in English in his *diary. He did it every day to practice English. Then, Masayuki’s mother came into his room with a letter in her hand. She said, “The post office made a (          ). This is for the house across from us. Can you take it there tomorrow?” Masayuki said, “OK.” He was excited, but he was nervous. He said to himself, “I have never talked with the girl and her family.”
ーThe next morning, Masayuki visited the house with the letter and *knocked at the door. The girl came out. She was using a white *cane and didn’t look at his eyes. He was surprised to know that she couldn’t see. He said, “Hello, I’m Masayuki. I live across from your house. I have a letter for your family. It came to my house yesterday.” She smiled and said, “Thank you. I’m Ellen. You play the guitar, right? I like listening to your guitar.” He was happy to hear that.
ーFrom the next day, Masayuki and Ellen said hello to each other when they met. They started to talk a lot, and became friends.
ーOne day, Masayuki was invited to Ellen’s birthday party. There were many people in her house. Some of them were her classmates. There were also some people who were much older than Ellen. All of them were her friends. She was liked by many people. Masayuki and her friends sang for her, and she played the piano. They all enjoyed the music very much.
ーDuring the lunch after the music, Masayuki talked a lot with Ellen’s friends. One of them said to him, ”Everyone here knows that Ellen can’t see. But she plays the piano for little children or for *elderly people on holidays. She tries a lot of things and makes many people happy. We like her.” Masayuki could understand why [          ].
ーBefore the party ended, Ellen said, “Thank you. I’m happy because all of you came today. There are a lot of difficult things for me, but you always support me. I want to do my best for you.”
ーAfter Masayuki listened to Ellen’s speech, he wanted to be like Ellen. She always tried to share time with people around her and make them happy. Her friends knew that and supported her. From the friendship between Ellen and her friends, Masayuki learned that it’s important to spend time with other people and try to understand them. He believed (B) that is necessary to make a better friendship.
ーThat evening, (C) Masayuki wrote about Ellen’s birthday party in his diary.

*across from:〜の向かい側に *wave at 〜:〜に手を振る *diary:日記
*knock at 〜:〜をノックする *cane:杖(つえ) *elderly people:お年寄り

(1)下線部 (A) indifferent の意味として最も適切なものを、本文の内容から判断して、次のア 〜エ から1つ選んで記号で書きなさい。
ア  意識している  イ  印象的である  ウ  同情している  エ  無関心である

(2)(    ) に当てはめる英語1語を、次のア 〜エ から1つ選んで記号で書きなさい。
ア  mistake             イ  plan                  ウ  dream                エ  sound

(3)[     ] に当てはまるものを、次のア〜エ から1つ選び記号を書きなさい。
  there were only Ellen’s classmates at her birthday party
  many of Ellen’s friends came to her birthday party
  Ellen had a lot of difficult things to do
  some of Ellen’s friends didn’t enjoy the music at her birthday party

(4)下線部 (B) that が指す具体的な内容を、日本語で書きなさい。

(5)本文の内容に合うように、次のア 〜エ を、起こった順に並べかえて、記号を書きなさい。
 Masayuki spoke to Ellen for the first time.
 Masayuki took a letter to Ellen’s house.
 Masayuki wanted to be like Ellen.
 Masayuki sang for Ellen with her friends.

(6)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜オ からすべて選んで記号を書きなさい。
 Masayuki sometimes wrote about the day in English to improve his English.
 Ellen wanted to be alone because she didn’t like to spend time with her friends.
 Masayuki was glad to know that Ellen liked to listen to his guitar.
 Ellen’s friend told Masayuki about Ellen’s good points at her birthday party.
 Ellen gave a speech in front of the people who came to her birthday party.

(7)次の英文は、下線部 (C) Masayuki wrote about Ellen’s birthday party の内容の一部です。本文の内容に合うように、①〜③に入る適切な英語を、1語ずつ本文から抜き出して書きなさい。

September 30th, Sunday
ーI (   ①   ) Ellen’s house for her birthday party. I met many of her friends there.
I (   ②   ) about many things with them when we were eating lunch together. I made a
lot of new friends.
ーI think Ellen is great. I’ve (   ③   ) a lot of things from her. I’m happy to be her friend.



(1)下線部 (A) indifferent の意味として最も適切なものを、本文の内容から判断して、次のア 〜エ から1つ選んで記号で書きなさい。
ア  意識している  イ  印象的である  ウ  同情している  エ  無関心である

◎ 下線部(A) がある英文は下記の通り。

She looked (A) indifferent to him.

・下線部(A) は「彼女は〜のように見えた」という意味なので、
[前] He *waved at her, but she never waved or smiled back at him.
[後] He thought, “She likes to be done ……”
「彼は “彼女は一人が好きなのだ”と思った。」



エ  無関心である で、これが正解となります。
(She looked (A)indifferent to him.;彼女は彼に無関心のように見えた。)


(2)(    ) に当てはめる英語1語を、次のア 〜エ から1つ選んで記号で書きなさい。
ア  mistake             イ  plan                  ウ  dream                エ  sound

◎ (            ) がある英文は下記の通り。

The post office made a (          ).

(Masayuki’s mother came into his room with a letter in her hand.)

This is for the house across from us. Can you take it there tomorrow?



ア   mistake となります。
( The post office made a mistake. ※make a mistake:間違える)

(3)[   ] に適するものを選ぶ問題

(3)[     ] に当てはまるものを、次のア〜エ から1つ選び記号を書きなさい。
  there were only Ellen’s classmates at her birthday party
  many of Ellen’s friends came to her birthday party
  Ellen had a lot of difficult things to do
  some of Ellen’s friends didn’t enjoy the music at her birthday party

◎ [      ] がある部分を抜き出すと下記の通り。

Masayuki could understand why [          ].


▶︎Everyone here knows that Ellen can’t see. But she plays the piano for little children or
for elderly people on holidays. She tries a lot of things and makes many people happy.
We like her.


ア  エレンの誕生日パーティで彼女のクラスメートしかいなかった(理由)
イ  エレンの友達のたくさんが誕生日パーティに来た(理由)
ウ  エレンにはするのが難しいことがたくさんあった(理由)
エ  エレンの友達には誕生日パーティでの音楽を楽しまなかったものもいた(理由)


イ  many of Ellen’s friends came to her birthday party となります。
(  Masayuki could understand why many of Ellen’s friends came to her birthday party. )


(4)下線部 (B) that が指す具体的な内容を、日本語で書きなさい。

◎下線部 (B) が入っている英文を抜き出すと下記の通り

He believed (B) that is necessary to make a better friendship.

・He believed (B) that is necessary to make a better friendship.
「彼は (B)それが、よりより友達関係を作るのに必要だと信じました。」
▶︎ that は「指示代名詞」なので、たいていは、

From the friendship between Ellen and her friends, Masayuki learned that it’s important to spend time with other people and try to understand them.

黄色い下線部の内容が、下線部(B) that の内容だとわかります。


( to spend time with other people and try to understand them )


(5)本文の内容に合うように、次のア 〜エを、起こった順に並べかえて、記号を書きなさい。
 Masayuki spoke to Ellen for the first time.
 Masayuki took a letter to Ellen’s house.
 Masayuki wanted to be like Ellen.
 Masayuki sang for Ellen with her friends.

ア  将之は初めてエレンに話しかけた。
イ  将之はエレンの家に手紙を持っていた。
ウ  将之はエレンのようになりたかった。
エ  将之はエレンの友達と彼女のために歌を歌った。



ア ・・・3段落目(イ の行動の後)
イ ・・・3段落目(ア の行動の前)
ウ ・・・8段落目
エ ・・・5段落目


イ →ア →エ →ウ となります。


(6)本文の内容と合っているものを、次のア 〜オ からすべて選んで記号を書きなさい。
 Masayuki sometimes wrote about the day in English to improve his English.
 Ellen wanted to be alone because she didn’t like to spend time with her friends.
 Masayuki was glad to know that Ellen liked to listen to his guitar.
 Ellen’s friend told Masayuki about Ellen’s good points at her birthday party.
 Ellen gave a speech in front of the people who came to her birthday party.

ア  将之は時々自分の英語をよくするために英語でその日のことを書いた。
イ  エレンは友達と一緒に過ごすのが好きではなく、一人になりたがった。
ウ  将之はエレンが自分のギターを聞くのが好きだと知ってうれしかった。
エ  エレンの友達は将之に誕生日パーティでエレンの長所について話した。
オ  エレンは誕生日パーティにやってきた人の前でスピーチをした。


 Masayuki sometimes wrote about the day in English to improve his English.
“Masayuki wrote about Ellen’s birthday party in his diary.” の部分にしかなく、「自分の英語をよくするために」などの表現はないので、❌

 Ellen wanted to be alone because she didn’t like to spend time with her friends.
(1段落目:He thought, “She likes to be alone 〜” )ここから、❌

 Masayuki was glad to know that Ellen liked to listen to his guitar.
“I like listening to your guitar.” と言い、それに対して将之は “He was happy to hear that.” と記されているので、⭕️

 Ellen’s friend told Masayuki about Ellen’s good points at her birthday party.

 Ellen gave a speech in front of the people who came to her birthday party.


ウ、エ 、オ  となります。
 Masayuki was glad to know that Ellen liked to listen to his guitar.
 Ellen’s friend told Masayuki about Ellen’s good points at her birthday party.
 Ellen gave a speech in front of the people who came to her birthday party.


(7)次の英文は、下線部 (C) Masayuki wrote about Ellen’s birthday party の内容の一部です。本文の内容に合うように、①〜③に入る適切な英語を、1語ずつ本文から抜き出して書きなさい。

September 30th, Sunday
ーI (   ①   ) Ellen’s house for her birthday party. I met many of her friends there.
I (   ②   ) about many things with them when we were eating lunch together. I made a
lot of new friends.
ーI think Ellen is great. I’ve (   ③   ) a lot of things from her. I’m happy to be her friend.

・私はエレンの誕生日パーティで彼女の家を ( ① )。私はそこでたくさんの彼女の友達に会いました。私は一緒に昼食を食べている時彼らとたくさんのことを ( ② )。私はたくさんの新しい友達ができました。
・私はエレンはすごいと思います。私はかのジヨからたくさんのことを ( ③ )。私は彼女の友達になれてうれしい。

①👉 I (      ) Ellen’s house for her birthday party.
②👉 I (       ) about many things with them when we were eating lunch together.
③👉 I’ve  (       ) a lot of things from her. [※have があるので現在完了の文です。]

※3段落目に “Masayuki visited the house with the letter.” があるので
この visited が使えそうです。(過去形であることも日記の文としてOKですね)

※6段落目に “During the lunch after the music, Masayuki talked a lot with Ellen’s friends.”  があるので、この talked が使えそうです。

※8段落目に “Masayuki learned that it’s important to spend time with other people and try to understand them.” があるので、learned が使えそうです。
(ここでは、過去形ですが、learned は規則動詞なので、過去分詞としても使えます。)


① visited
② talked 
③ learned 
① I visited Ellen’s house for her birthday party.
② I talked about many things with them when we were eating lunch together.
③ I’ve learned a lot of things from her.





