21-ラジオビジネス英語 9/24

tweet で発信してきたものを、

Interview 6 Part 8  Sustainable Development 

▶︎9月Melati Wijsen さんとのインタビュー。
– 環境活動家
– インドネシア – バリ島生まれ
– 2013年、12歳のときに、2歳年下の妹イザベルと、プラスチックごみを
– 2018年、2人はTIME誌の25 Most Influential Teens に選ばれる



▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● in a nutshell ▶︎ひと言で言うと
– To summarize, in short.
Saying something in a concise way, in a few words.
In the conversation, I said, “In a nutshell,” or basically.
I think it’s the fact that Melati has taken the lead and shown it
through her own actions.

● take the lead ▶︎先頭に立つ
– To take initiative, to take the lead role, or take responsibility.
In Melati’s case, there was nobody giving her formal instructions
to form programs like Youthtopia. So she took the lead or 
took leadership and started programs anyway.

● set an example ▶︎模範を示す
– To be a role model, to behave in a way that shows other people 
what to do.
– For example, she’s always polite to everyone, and works hard,
hoping to set an example for her kids.

● adoption ▶︎採用
– To adopt something is to implement or start using something new.
In the conversation, we talked about the adoption of the SDGs
by the UN, in other words, the US chose to enact or start using 

● tailwind▶︎追い風
– When talking about an airplane, tailwind is the wind that blows
in the same direction when the plane is traveling, making it easier
for the plane to get further, faster.
– Mr. Shibata mentioned that the SDGs were a kind of tailwind for
Melati’s efforts, or something that gave her a more momentum,
something that made it easier for her to succeed in her efforts.

● MDGs ▶︎ミレニアム開発目標
– MDGs is for a predecessor of the SDGs.
Mr. Shibata explained that the difference between the two is that
MDGs will focus more on developing countries whereas SDGs
are a more of a collective of the global issues that all the countries
should tackle together.

● relevant to 〜▶︎〜に関係のある
– Having to do with something, related or connected.
In our conversation, I mentioned that the SDGs may seem like 
too big a goal and not directly relevant to us.
In other words, they may not seem to have a direct link or relationship
to us.

● to put it bluntly ▶︎率直に言うと
– If you say, “to put it bluntly,” the thing you’re about to say may sound
harsh, but you want to say it in an honest or factual way.

● burnable ▶︎可燃の
– Burnable is something that burns, or something that will turn to ash
if burned. We often use this when talking about burnable garbage like
food waste.
– Non-burnable garbage doesn’t burn down and we require special
disposal of recycling.

● take the initiative ▶︎イニシアチブを取る
– To take initiative or take the initiative means to do something on your 
own without much guidance or instruction.
 – Mr. Shibata said that when it comes to a sustainable planet, when
young people take the initiative or make efforts on their own, it has
a great impact on society as a whole.

● indifferent ▶︎無関心な
– (?) not caring. Being unconcerned without sympathy or interest.
– Mr. Shibata said that adults have a duty to think about the future
of the young people. So they can’t be indifferent.
In other words, they have to be concerned and care.

● put 〜 on the back burner ▶︎〜を後回しにする
– To put something on the back number means to give it a lower
priority, to deal with it later.
– In many houses, particularly in the past, there were typically
four burners or spots to use for cooking with pots and pans.
The pots and pans that were on the back, two burners required
less attention than the two in the front. And we were not looked
at or dealt with these carefully.
– Mr. Shibata said that politicians might put education on the back
burner, because it doesn’t produce immediate results.
In other words, politicians might not consider education a 
high priority.

最後に – ジェニーさんから

▶︎ We’ve covered a lot during these six months together, 
and I hope you’ve been enjoying the program.
It’s inspiring to see how har you’re working, how many of you 
are supportive of one another. 
– And I’ve even been able to talk about someone of you on 
social media.
Keep that motivation up,
and I hope our path will cross again very soon.





Interview 6 Part 8 は終了です。

