21-ラジオビジネス英語 9/16

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Interview 6 Part 5  Sustainable Development 

▶︎9月Melati Wijsen さんとのインタビュー。
– 環境活動家
– インドネシア – バリ島生まれ
– 2013年、12歳のときに、2歳年下の妹イザベルと、プラスチックごみを
– 2018年、2人はTIME誌の25 Most Influential Teens に選ばれる



▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

▶︎OK, let’s listen to today’s interview.

Words and Phrases 

● renewable energy ▶︎再生可能エネルギー
– Renewable energy or energies refers to energy that is not used 
up forever. We can get this energy over and over again, or renew it.
Such as wind or solar power, rather than using up a limited supply
of non-renewable energy sources such as coal or natural gas.

● Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)▶︎持続可能な開発目標
– 2015年の国連サミットで採択された国際目標のこと。





● incorporate ▶︎取り入れる
– To use or to add something.
To take in something new as part of a whole.
– Melati said that the SDG guidelines should be incorporated
by businesses. In other words, businesses should think about
these guidelines, or add them to their business.

● make one’s way into 〜▶︎〜に入っていく
– If something makes its way into xyz, it somehow manages to 
get into xyz.
– In the interview, Melati said that climate change has made its way
into dinner-table conversations. So in other words, climate change
has become a normal topic into dinner-table conversations.

● narrative ▶︎物語
– A story, how a story is told or its perspective.
– Melati talked about the global narrative when it comes to climate
change and the climate crisis. This refers to how the world views 
climate change and the climate crisis.

● interconnected ▶︎相互に関連している
– All having parts that are linked or connected, joined together
mutually. Having different parts better related or connected
to each other.
– Melati said that people are talking about how interconnected
climate change is, how the many problems of climate change
are related or connected.

● address ▶︎語る
– To address something means to deal with something.
 This is similar to “tackle.” But to add something means
to acknowledge or give it consideration, possibly forming a plan.
– As a verb, the emphasis is on the final syllable – addr[e]ss, addr[e]ss.
– Melati said, we cannot address food security or talk about food
security without talking about the climate crisis.


Interview 6 Part 5 は終了です。

