tweet で発信してきたものを、
Lesson 66 英文メール:ビジネスチャットで報告する
– 月曜・火曜の「ビジネス英会話」での登場人物がメールのやりとり
登場人物 ◎ 和泉高志:入社4年目。国内営業を経て半年前に海外営業部に配属 ◎ Sylvia Forest:高志の上司。本社海外営業部マネージャー ◎ Lucy Cheng:ABC House シンガポール支社 シニアマネージャー |
▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.
▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively
in business.
▶︎Let’s learn how to write emails in English together.
Step 1
◎ OK, let’s take a look at Takashi’s business chat.
▶︎ These sentences should be as short as possible. She doesn’t need many details and a chat message. |
▶︎ I think that birthday greetings could be kept to a minimum, and should be written in the style that he talks to her. |
Rewritten Message
▶︎OK. Let’s take a look at the rewritten message.
Step 2
▶︎ Now, let’s take a look at Sylvia’s reply.
覚えておくと便利なフレーズ ー お祝いの気持ちを伝える
① おめでとうこざいます!
👉 Congratulations!
② 〜について教えてくれてありがとう。新しい仕事でのご活躍をお祈りしています。
👉 Thank you for letting me know about 〜. I wish you all the best in your new role.
③ 〜と聞いてうれしく思います。すばらしいニュースですね!
👉 I’m excited to hear about 〜. That’s great news!
Master Business Words of Foreign Origin – align
◎ align「足並みをそろえる」
▶︎align のもともとの意味は「一列に並ぶ、一直線になる」
英語のalign から来ていて、「もともと異なった方向を向いていたものを
[1] 足並みをそろえる
– be aligned / align oneself with 〜
[2] 同調する、支持する
– In general, newspapers align themselves with certain political parties.
[3] 連携する、提携する
– The country is closely aligned with the United States.
◎ alignment (名詞)もよく使われます。
– The country is in close alignment with the EU.
最後に – business chat のいい点について
Chat functions can streamline communication with things like certain tagging functions, organized threads and file storage or file sharing.
– In my opinion, business chat is good for having a paper trail.
That way, misunderstandings are less likely to occur because there’s a written
It’s on record, so you can’t say you didn’t hear it, didn’t see it, or forget about it.
It’s easier than email when exchanging ideas in a group.
So it’s more efficient than email.
– What is important is to decide beforehand what purpose you want to use it for.
Lesson 66 は終了です。