21-ラジオ英会話 8/13【8/6の再放送】

🔴今回の放送は、8月6日(金)の再放送で、Lesson 90 です。
dictation を中心に聞き直し、間違い等があったら訂正、修正、加筆などを


tweet で発信してきたものを、

月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。

Lesson  90 今週の Review

Opening で

Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here. Yes,
it’s time to repeat and review.

Repetition is the basis of all learning.
Chris McVay here. So let’s repeat. 

It sounds so much better when you say,

Thank you.

Listening Challenge!

Monday Lesson 86  関係代名詞節修飾②:関係代名詞that

Q:What movie is coming out in the summer?
-A. Gary’s favorite musical.
-B. A movie that Helen hasn’t heard of.
-C. A movie starring a famous action movie actor.

Tuesday Lesson 87  関係代名詞節修飾③:関係代名詞who

Q:Which of the following is true about the guy in the stands?
-A. He’s dressed in red.
-B. He works at a convenience store.
-C. He is not tall.

Wednesday Lesson 88  関係代名詞節修飾④:主語位置の空所に注意

Q:Who is the woman in the blue dress?
-A. Sally’s friend.
-B. An exhibition manager.
-C. An artist.





Thursday Lesson 89  関係代名詞節修飾⑤:関係代名詞which

Q:How much did the man know about the snake he saw?
-A. He didn’t know anything about it.
-B. He knew the name of the snake,
-C. He knew that it was dangerous.


Hey, Chris. Have you ever been asked
for an autograph?


Well, it’s a bit embarrassing to say, but yes,
quite a lot. You know, people come up to me,
and say, “Oh, I’m listening to the radio program
every morning.” So it makes me feel kind of warm
inside, you know, (it) shows that we’re doing
something good.


Words and Phrases

① go on a diet
② autograph
③ for a moment

Lesson 90 は終了!
