tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 45 今週の Review
Opening で

Hey, everyone. Roza Akino here. Well, guys,
it’s finally the moment you’ve all been waiting
for. It’s time for the review.

Chris McVay here. Yeah, let’s
get going with this review.
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 41 主語の拡張①:to不定詞 ・動詞-ing形
Q:Why is Fiona always singing?
-A. Because she thinks singing is a good way to stay healthy.
-B. Because she is happy.
-C. Because she is going to participate in a karaoke contest.
Tuesday Lesson 42 主語の拡張②:that節
Q:According to the girl, what is obvious?
-A. Tom doesn’t like stylish outfits.
-B. Sota has a secret.
-C. Sota is dating someone.
Wednesday Lesson 43 主語の拡張③:wh節・if/whether節
Q:According to Dr. Stein, why are manners important?
-A. Because everyone has good manners.
-B. Because you need to explain good manners to others.
-C. Because people judge you by your manners.
Thursday Lesson 44 目的語の拡張④:to不定詞
Q:Which of the following is NOT true about Jessica?
-A. She asked her professor a question.
-B. Her dream is to become an archaeologist.
-C. She discovered something fantastic.

I know to swim helps you lose weight.
But it hasn’t helped me.

I know the combination of swimming
and drinking a bottle of wine every night
is not the best.

Chris, that’s you!

Words and Phrases
① Keep at it.
Lesson 45 は終了!