21-ラジオ英会話 5/28

tweet で発信してきたものを、

月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。

Lesson  40 今週の Review

Opening で

Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino.
Are you ready to do your best for
the review? Let’s go!

I’m ready to do my best.
Chris McVay here. Let’s review!

Listening Challenge!

Monday Lesson 36 基本文型 授与型③:マイナスの授与

Q:How much was the figure?
-A. Five thousand yen.
-B. Fifty thousand yen.
-C. Five hundred thousand yen.

Tuesday Lesson 37 基本文型 目的語説明型①:基礎

Q:Which of the following is true?
-A. Tom and Yuko have met before.
-B. Tom and Yuko are both tired.
-C. Tom and Yuko will have a mean together.

Wednesday Lesson 38 基本文型 目的語説明型②:形容詞・前置詞句

Q:What does the woman think about Jetz’s pink hair?
-A. She thinks it suits her Halloween costume.
-B. She thinks it’s unusual for a teacher.
-C. She thinks it shows her creativity.

Thursday Lesson 39 文の意味は文型が決める

Q:Who helped Masaru improve his English?
-A. Roxy.
-B. Roxy’s father.
-C. Roxy’s mother.


Hey, Chris. I know you really love your car.
So I was wondering if you named it.

Actually I’ve loved all my cars, ‘cause
I love driving. But I’ve never given
a name to a car.
How about you , Hiroto?

Ah, I named my car Ms. Luxury.

Ah, huh?

That’s some misinformation, I think.






Words and Phrases

① name A B after 〜
👉〜にちなんで A に B と名付ける
② Why don’t we 〜?
③ get drunk

Lesson 40 は終了!

