tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 20 今週の Review
Opening で

Welcome to the last review for April.
Ready to go? This is Roza Akino.

Chris McVay here. I repeat what you
guys are saying. This is the last review
for April.
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 16 基本文型 自動型①:単なる動作
Q:Why is Renji called “Cheetah”?
-A. Because he runs fast.
-B. Because he is really tall.
-C. Because he is impressive.
Tuesday Lesson 17 基本文型 自動型②:何に向けて・どのように
Q:What did Mirai ask Theo to do?
-A. To take care of her dog for a while.
-B. To take care of her dog for a month.
-C. To take care of her dog for ten days.
Wednesday Lesson 18 基本文型 他動型・自動型
Q:Which of the following is true?
-A. The main engine is not working.
-B. Something has hit them.
-C. They are not sure what the noise is.
Thursday Lesson 19 英語は配置が意味を決める
Q:What was the man doing with his phone?
-A. He was taking a picture.
-B. He was checking his social media.
-C. He was texting Shelia.
Ending で

Hey, speaking of lost phones,
I seem to have misplaced mine.
Could you call it, Chris?

Again? OK!

Hey, Chris!
You don’t need to. It’s
right under her nose!

Oh! I didn’t notice!

Oh, men!

Yeah, that happens!
※ speaking of 〜
※ misplace
※ right under one’s nose
※ That happens.
Words and Phrases
① a minute ago
② disappear
Lesson 20 は終了!