A 次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章と表lを読み、下の問(問1~問4)の【33】~【36】に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。
ー Art may reflect the ways people lived. Researchers have discussed how
art portrays clothing and social settings. One study was conducted to determine if this idea could be extended to paintings featuring family meals. The results of this study help illustrate why certain kinds of foods were painted.
ー The researchers examined 140 paintings of family meals painted from the years 1500 to 2000. These came from five countries: the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The researchers examined each painting for the presence of 91 foods, with absence coded as 0 and presence coded as 1. For example, when one or more onions appeared in a painting, the researchers coded it as 1. Then they calculated the percentage
of the paintings from these countries that included each food.
ー Table 1 shows the percentage of paintings with selected foods. The researchers discussed several findings. First, some paintings from these countries included foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish were most common in the Netherlands’ (Dutch) paintings, which was anticipated as nearly half of its border touches the sea. Second, some paintings did not include foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish and fish each appeared in less than 12 % of the paintings from the United States, France, Italy although large portions of these countries border oceans or seas. Chicken, a common food, seldom appeared in the paintings. Third, some paintings included foods the researchers had not expected. For example, among German paintings, 20% of them included shellfish although only 6% of the country touches the sea. Also, lemons were most common in paintings from the Netherlands, even though they do not grow there naturally.
Table 1
The Frequency of Selected Foods Shown in Paintings by Percentage
Item | USA | France | Germany | Italy | The Netherlands |
Apples | 41.67 | 35.29 | 25.00 | 36.00 | 8.11 |
Bread | 29.17 | 29.41 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 62.16 |
Cheese | 12.50 | 5.88 | 5.00 | 24.00 | 13.51 |
Chicken | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 | 2.70 |
Fish | 0.00 | 11.76 | 10.00 | 4.00 | 13.51 |
Lemons | 29.17 | 20.59 | 30.00 | 16.00 | 51.35 |
Onions | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 |
Shellfish | 4.17 | 11.11 | 20.00 | 4.00 | 56.76 |
ー Comparing these results with previous research, the researchers concluded that food art does not necessarily portray actual life. The researchers offered some explanations for this. One explanation is that artists painted some foods to express their interest in the larger world. Another is that painters wanted to show their technique by painting more challenging foods. For example, the complexity of a lemon’s surface and interior might explain its popularity, especially among Dutch artists. As other interpretations are possible, it is necessary to examine the paintings from different perspectives. These are the period in which the paintings were completed and the cultural associations of foods. Both issues will be taken up in the following sections.
(Brian Wansink 他(2016) Food Art Does Not Reflect Reality: A Quantitative
Content Analysis of Meals in Popular Paintings の一部を参考に作成)
For the category “Apples” in this research, a painting with two whole apples and one apple cut in half would be labeled as【33】.
① 0
② 1
③ 2
④ 3
According to Table 1, the paintings from【34】.
① France included apples at a lower percentage than the German ones.
② France included cheese at a higher percentage than the Dutch ones.
③ Italy included bread at a lower percentage than the American ones.
④ Italy included onions at a higher percentage than the German ones.
According to the passage and Table 1, 【35】.
① chicken frequently appeared in the American paintings because people there often ate chicken.
② fish appeared in less than one tenth of the Italian paintings though much of Italy lies next to seas.
③ lemons appeared in more than half on the Dutch paintings as they are native to the Netherlands.
④ shellfish appeared in half of the paintings from each of the five countries because they touch seas.
According to the passage, foods in these paintings can【36】.
① demonstrate the painters’ knowledge of history
② display the painters’ desire to stay in their countries
③ indicate the painters’ artistic skills and abilities
④ reflect the painters’ love of their local foods
【33】ー2 【34】ー4 【35】ー2 【36】ー3
For the category “Apples” in this research, a painting with two whole apples and one apple cut in half would be labeled as 【33】
① 0
② 1
③ 2
④ 3
・問題文からは、「2個と半分のりんご」をどのように「ラベリング」されるのかを問う問題ですが、その「ラベリング」が、table 1 へとつながることは予測できます。
① 0
② 1
③ 2
④ 3
-coded as 0, coded it as 1 などの表現があります。
According to Table 1, the paintings from【34】.
① France included apples at a lower percentage than the German ones.
② France included cheese at a higher percentage than the Dutch ones.
③ Italy included bread at a lower percentage than the American ones.
④ Italy included onions at a higher percentage than the German ones.
・これは Table 1「表1」の読み取りです。
①フランスの(絵画 )は、ドイツより低い割合でりんごを含んだ。
※後から Table 1 で確認しましょう。
According to the passage and Table 1, 【35】.
① chicken frequently appeared in the American paintings because people there often ate chicken.
② fish appeared in less than one tenth of the Italian paintings though much of Italy lies next to seas.
③ lemons appeared in more than half on the Dutch paintings as they are native to the Netherlands.
④ shellfish appeared in half of the paintings from each of the five countries because they touch seas.
・Table 1 と段落の内容と合致する英文を見つける問題です。
▶︎それぞれの国の特徴と、Table 1 との結果を結びつけた考察のようなので、
According to the passage, foods in these paintings can【36】.
① demonstrate the painters’ knowledge of history
② display the painters’ desire to stay in their countries
③ indicate the painters’ artistic skills and abilities
④ reflect the painters’ love of their local foods
②【34】では、「Table 1 の読み取り」
③【35】では、「Table 1と国の特徴との関連」
ー Art may reflect the ways people lived. Researchers have discussed how
art portrays clothing and social settings.One study was conducted to determine if this idea could be extended to paintings featuring family meals. The results of this study might help illustrate why certain kinds of foods were painted.
ー The researchers examined 140 paintings of family meals painted from the years 1500 to 2000. These came from five countries: the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The researchers examined each painting for the presence of 91 foods, with absence coded as 0 and presence coded as 1. For example, when one or more onions appeared in a painting, the researchers coded it as 1. Then they calculated the
percentage of the paintings from these countries that included each food.
ー 研究者は1500年から2000年の間の家庭の食事を描いた140の絵画を調査しました。これらはアメリカ、フランス、ドイツ、イタリアとオランダの5カ国からのものでした。研究者は91種類の食べ物が絵画にあるかどうかを調査し、ない場合は0、ある場合は 1 と記すことにした。例えば、1個またはそれ以上の玉ねぎが絵画の中にあった場合は、研究者は 1 と記したのです。それからそれぞれの食べ物を含む各国の絵画からのパーセンテージを計算しました。
・For the category “Apples” in this research, a painting with two whole apples and one apple cut in half would be labeled as 【33】
ここから、【33】の正解は、② 1 となります。
・最初に Table 1 とあり、この表が「何の表」であるのかが簡潔に示されています。この「表」からは、「3つ発見(調査結果)」があるようで、それが順に述べられています。
ー Table 1 shows the percentage of paintings with selected foods. The researchers discussed several findings. First, some paintings from these countries included foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish were most common in the Netherlands’ (Dutch) paintings, which was anticipated as nearly half of its border touches the sea. Second, some paintings did not include foods the researchers had expected. Shellfish and fish each appeared in less than 12 % of the paintings from the United States, France, Italy although large portions of these countries border oceans or seas. Chicken, a common food, seldom appeared in the paintings. Third, some paintings included foods the researchers had not expected. For example, among German paintings, 20% of them included shellfish although only 6% of the country touches the sea. Also, lemons were most common in paintings from the Netherlands, even though they do not grow there naturally.
Table 1
The Frequency of Selected Foods Shown in Paintings by Percentage
Item | USA | France | Germany | Italy | The Netherlands |
Apples | 41.67 | 35.29 | 25.00 | 36.00 | 8.11 |
Bread | 29.17 | 29.41 | 40.00 | 40.00 | 62.16 |
Cheese | 12.50 | 5.88 | 5.00 | 24.00 | 13.51 |
Chicken | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 | 2.70 |
Fish | 0.00 | 11.76 | 10.00 | 4.00 | 13.51 |
Lemons | 29.17 | 20.59 | 30.00 | 16.00 | 51.35 |
Onions | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 20.00 | 0.00 |
Shellfish | 4.17 | 11.11 | 20.00 | 4.00 | 56.76 |
◎【34】と Table 1 について
①フランスの(絵画 )は、ドイツより低い割合でりんごを含んだ。
①フランスのりんご:35.29 ドイツのりんご:25.00
②フランスのチース:5.88 オランダのチーズ:13.51
③イタリアのパン:40.00 アメリカのパン:29.17
④イタリアの玉ねき:20.00 ドイツの玉ねき:5.00
④ Italy included onions at a higher percentage than the German ones.
◎【35】と Table 1 について
④5カ国の貝の割合 米:4.17 仏:11.11 独:20.00 伊:4.00 蘭:56.76
② fish appeared in less than one tenth of the Italian paintings though much of Italy lies next to seas. となります。
ーComparing these results with previous research, the researchers concluded that food art does not necessarily portray actual life. The researchers offered some explanations for this. One explanation is that artists painted some foods to express their interest in the larger world. Another is that painters wanted to show their technique by painting more challenging foods. For example, the complexity of a lemon’s surface and interior might explain its popularity, especially among Dutch artists. As other interpretations are possible, it is necessary to examine the paintings from different perspectives. These are the period in which the paintings were completed and the cultural associations of foods. Both issues will be taken up in the following sections.
ー 以前の研究とこの結果を比べて、研究者は食べ物の美術(絵画)は現実の生活と描き出したものでは必ずしも限らない、と結論づけました。研究者は、この結果に対していくつかの説明を示しました。1つは、画家はより広い世界の中で自分の興味あるものを表現するために食べ物を描いた、というものです。もう1つは、画家はより挑戦的な食べ物を描くことにより自分の技術の高さを示したかった、というものです。例えば、レモンの表面と内部の複雑さは、その人気の高さを説明するかもしれません、特にオランダの芸術家の中では人気が高かったのですが。他の解釈も可能ですが、様々な視点から絵画を調べる必要があります。これらが、絵画が完成された時代であり、文化的な食べ物との関連なのです。この両方の問題は次の部分で取り上げられます。
– Another is that painters wanted to show their technique by painting more challenging foods.ここから、⭕️
③ indicate the painters’ artistic skills and abilities となります。