tweet で発信してきたものを、
Lesson 48 英文メール:ミーティング後のやりとり
– 月曜・火曜の「ビジネス英会話」での登場人物がメールのやりとり
登場人物 ◎ 和泉高志:入社4年目。国内営業を経て半年前に海外営業部に配属 ◎ Sylvia Forest:高志の上司。本社海外営業部マネージャー ◎ Lucy Cheng:ABC House シンガポール支社 シニアマネージャー |
▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.
▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively
in business.
▶︎Let’s learn how to write emails in English together.
Step 1
◎ OK, let’s take a look at Takashi’s email.
▶︎ It’s better to keep the greetings to a minimum at the beginning. And he can keep everything regarding local business customs altogether in the main part of the email. |
▶︎ There’s no need to be modest, and it could be seen as hot having confidence. It’s his first time in charge, so he should show that he wants to learn more in order to make a good impression. |
Rewritten Email
▶︎OK. Let’s take a look at the rewritten email.
Step 2
▶︎ Now, let’s take a look at Lucy’s reply.
覚えておくと便利なフレーズ -ミーティング後の連絡
① オンライン上でしたが、お会いできてうれしかったです。
👉 Although it was online, it was great to see you.
② いつか対面でお目にかかるのを楽しみにしています。
👉 I look forward to meeting you in person someday.
③ ミーティング記録を添付します。何か追加すべき点や修正すべき点がありましたら、
👉 I’m attaching the meeting memo. If there are any points to add or modify,
please let me know.
Master Business Words of Foreign Origin – interior
◎ interior「内装、内部 / 内装の、内部の」
interia はもともとラテン語 interus から来た単語
「内側、内面 / 内側の、内面の」 ↔️ exterior「外 / 外の」
⇨入り口から一歩入ったら、そこはすべて interia の範疇
※exterior driveway
[1]「内陸部 / 内陸部の」
・The interior of the country is mostly desert.
・The US Department of the Interior is having touch time
dealing with wildfires.
In Japan, many people think that it’s difficult to send email with humor
to their boss.
Yes, but humor can really take the pressure off and allow us to concentrate
on our tasks rather than worrying about getting along with coworkers.
And it can help build trust and comradery(?).
Lesson 48 は終了です。