21-ラジオビジネス英語 5/28

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Interview 2 part 8  Mindfulness (Udana Bandara )

▶︎今月は Udana Bandara さんとのインタビュー。
– スリランカ出身
– リード・リサーチ・サイエンティスト

🔴 最終回の part 8 は、
柴田先生とジェニーさんの discussion です。


▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● state of mind ▶︎心の状態

– A state of mind is the condition of one’s mind. A mindset,
an emotional state or mood.
– This also refers to how the mental state affects  how we think
and what we do.
– We talked about how mindfulness could elevate a person’s state
of mind or overall mood, and how that might affect productivity
at a company.

● as it is  ▶︎そのままで[に]

– Untouched, as is natural and without intervention.
Accepting something as it is even if there’re faults or
– For example, I mentioned that mindfulness is about 
observing the present moment as it is , or accepting
everything  about that moment.

● take root ▶︎根付く

– To catch one, to take hold, to begin to be accepted, 
to establish.
– This idiom comes from the image of “plant” or “tree.”
If a seed is able to have roots or takes root, it can 
grow into something big or beautiful.
– For example, working from home is an idea that’s really 
taking root during the pandemic. People may even continue
to work from home more in the future.





● let alone ▶︎〜はもちろん

– Not to mention, that’s not all, in addition to.
“Let alone” is often used to show a contrast in examples.
And the second example is usually noteworthy or unexpected.
– For example, Mr. Shibata said that mindfulness wouldn’t have
taken root as one of the company’s core values, let alone
influence workflow design. The second example about 
influencing workflow design builds on the first example, and
is quite noteworthy. So between the tow examples, Mr. Shibata
uses, “let alone.”

● cognitive ▶︎認知的な

– Cognitive is an adjective that refers to our cognition.
Something that is cognitive involves our intellectual 
activity. This includes thinking, remembering, and reasoning.
– If something has cognitive benefits, it can maintain or 
improve our intelligence.

● walk the walk ▶︎実行する

– If someone walks the walk, it means that their actions match
their words. To actually do something rather than simply
talking about it.
– If someone walks the walk, we can know that something is 
true based on their actions.
– In other words, actions speak louder than words.

● talk the talk ▶︎口先ばかりである

– To talk the talk means to speak with confidence, or 
charisma. To say all the right things.
– However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the preson
can do those things.
– The phrase,”don’t talk the talk unless you can walk the walk”
means “don’t say that you can do something unless you 
actually can.”


Interview 2 part 8 は終了です。

