21-ラジオビジネス英語 7/9

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Interview 4 Part 4  Inclusive Society (Josh Grisdale)

▶︎7月Josh Grisdale さんとのインタビュー。
– カナダ出身
– 4歳の時から車いすの生活を送る。
– 2007年に日本に移り住み、2016年に日本の国籍を取得。
– 東京都内の高齢者施設に勤務し、ウェブサイトの制作・運営を担当
– 2015年には、海外の障害者に向けた日本観光の英語情報サイト


▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

Words and Phrases 

● dissatisfied  ▶︎不満な
– Not satisfied at all, disappointed. Not happy with something.
Feeling that something is not as good as it should be.
– For example, if a customer is dissatisfied, they probably
won’t come back unless their concerns are fixed.
Mr. Grisdale explained that a lack of accessibility leaves 
many tourists dissatisfied.

● infrastructure ▶︎インフラ
– “Infrastructure” refers to the systems, facilities and structures
necessary for businesses or societies as a whole.
A company’s infrastructure generally refers to things like
 roads, bridges, airports, water and (?) systems, etc.

● follow ▶︎従う
– “Follow” can have some different meanings, but in this case
it means to adhere, to abide by, to act according to 〜.
To follow the rules means obeying the rules.
Mr. Grisdale mentioned that there’re laws about accessibilities
that hotels have to follow, or conform to.

● step ▶︎段差
– A single stair. A staircase is made up of several steps or stairs.
For example, in many traditional Japanese-style homes, there is
a step when they first enter the house. This step can be 
difficult for someone in a wheelchair.

● component ▶︎構成要素
– A piece or a part of something. A small part of something bigger.
For example, Mr. Grisdale said that Japanese food is one component
 that tourists are excited about. There are many other things that
they’re excited about.
 But washoku is just one part or component of that.

● encourage ▶︎奨励する
– To get support, to try to persuade in a passive way.
Mr. Grisdale feels it’s important to encourage or urge
businesses to be inclusive and have accessibility.

● overlook ▶︎見落とす
– To miss, or not see something.
 To not think about something because it’s not obvious or 
To forget, or make a mistake.
Mr. Shibata mentioned that people who haven’t experienced
being in a wheelchair tend to overlook or miss some 
problems with accessibility.





Interview 4 Part 4 は終了です。
