次の英文は、高校1年生のメイ (Mei) が、全論大会で発表した内容です。
ー We have many teachers at school, but do you have any teachers outside of school?
I do. They don’t speak, never teach subjects, and they are just waiting for me to come.
They are … books! I can say that books are my life teachers.
ー When you are reading, you can talk with a writer or a person in the story. They will
tell you their ideas and teach you some new ways of thinking. One of them may be
a great person who already died. One of them may be a person who lived in a different
time. You may not meet them in your life, but you can in books. Last year, I was not good
at giving a speech in front of my friends. Then, I met *Steve Jobs in a book. When he
tried something new, he practiced very hard. He taught me that practicing for 10,000
hours was needed for the best performance. I thought that I already had enough
practice for my speech. But Steve Jobs told me that I would need to try harder than
before. He helped me, and my speech became better. He died in 2011. However,
I can still receive his message now. His messages have been living in the book, and
they move my heart. Steve Jobs can be my teacher.
ー Reading books also gives you a wonderful experience which you can’t have in your
life. You can imagine a lot through reading. Do you know the book about *Harry Potter?
It’s an *adventure story. I remember that I got really excited when I read it. I knew that
I was not a special person, but I felt that I was spending an amazing time with Harry and
his friends. While I was reading, I could imagine myself wearing a black hat, flying in
the air, and fighting with them. After reading, I received so much power from the pages.
I really enjoyed a world of adventure. You can put yourself into someone’s life and
spend time in the same world, even if you haven’t experienced it before in your life.
If the story is *fantasy or adventure, you will enjoy it more. You can be a hero, too!
ー The books gave me a new way of thinking and a new experience. We can read books
at home or on the bus. We can also do it while we are waiting in the hospital or before
we go to bed. So, reading books is one easy way to keep learning through our lives.
Reading books brings us something new that we can’t learn even at school. I think
that I can grow more after reading. If you find good books, please let me know. I’m
looking forward to meeting my new teachers!
(注)Steve Jobs スティーブ・ジョブズ(人名)
Harry Potter ハリー・ポッター(小説の主人公の名簿) adventure 冒険
fantasy 空想
ア Before Mei read a book about Steve Jobs,
ー1 she knew that more practice was needed for her best performance.
ー2 she was good at giving a speech in front of others, but she wanted to get better.
ー3 she thought that she practiced a lot to make a good speech.
ー4 she wanted to try something new and looked for it.
ー2 彼女は他の人の前でスピーチをするのが得意であったが、もっと良くなりたいと思っていた。
ー3 彼女は自分が良いスピーチをするためにたくさん練習したと考えた。
ー4 彼女は何か新しいものをやってみたくて、それを探した。
3 she thought that she practiced a lot to make a good speech. となります。
※ Before Mei read a book about Steve Jobs, she thought that she practiced a lot to
make a good speech.
イ When Mei was reading the adventure book,
ー1 she gave strong power to Harry and his friends.
ー2 she imagined the world of adventure and was very excited.
ー3 it was difficult for her to enjoy the world of adventure because it was not read.
ー4 it was written in easy English, so she could enjoy it.
① イの英文は、「メイが冒険小説を読んでいた時」という意味で、3段落目に書かれています。
② 1 ~ 4 の選択肢の内容は下記の通り。
ー2 彼女は冒険の世界を想像し、とても興奮した。
ー3 彼女にとって冒険の世界を楽しむことは難しかった、なぜならそれは読まれなかったから。
ー4 それは簡単な英語で書かれていたので、彼女はそれを楽しむことができた。
2 she imagined the world of adventure and was very excited. となります。
※ When Mei was reading the adventure book, she imagined the world of
adventure and was very excited.
ウ About reading books, Mei does not say that
ー1 we can get new ways of thinking by reading books.
ー2 a story about fantasy or adventure is more fun to read.
ー3 we can meet people who are not living today through reading books.
ー4 reading books at school is better than reading outside of school
ー2 ファンタジーや冒険物語の方は読むのがより楽しい
ー3 私たちは読書と通して今現在生きていない人々と会うことができる
ー4 学校での読書の方が、学校外での読書よりより良い
◎ 1 we can get new ways of thinking by reading books.
▶︎4段落目の最初に、”The books gave me a new way of thinking and a new experience.”
(その本たちは私に新しい考え方と新しい経験を与えてくれた。) とあります。また、”Reading
books brings us something new that we can’t learn even at school.”(読書をすることは
◎ 2 a story about fantasy or adventure is more fun to read.
▶︎3段落目の最後に、”If the story is “fantasy or adventure, you will enjoy it more,”
◎ 3 we can meet people who are not living today through reading books.
◎ 4 reading books at school is better than reading outside of school.
▶︎スピーチでは、at school とか outside of school などで区別した話は出ていません。
4段落目の部分では、”We can read books at home or on the bus. We can also do it
while we are waiting in the hospital or before we go to bed.” (私たちは家やバスの中でも
4 reading books at school is better than reading outside of school. となります。
※ About reading books, Mei does not say that reading books at school is better
than reading outside of school.
エ In Mei’s speech,
ー1 books can carry someone’s messages from the past to today.
ー2 we can’t imagine a world in books if we haven’t experienced it before in our lives.
ー3 books are teachers for her because they teach subjects.
ー4 she got a message from a person who lived in the past, but didn’t like it.
ー2 私たちはもし自分たちの人生よりも前にそれを経験していないなら本の世界を想像できない。
ー3 本は教科を教えるので彼女にとって教師である。
ー4 彼女は過去に住んでいた人からのメッセージを受け取ったが、それを好まなかった。
◎1 books can carry someone’s messages from the past to today.
“He died in 2011. However, I can still receive his message now. His messages have
been living in the book, and they move my heart. Steve Jobs can be my teacher!!
◎2 we can’t imagine a world in books if we haven’t experienced it before in our lives.
👉3段落目の後半部分に、”You can put yourself into someone’s life and spend time
in the same world, even if you haven’t experienced it before in your life.”(みなさんは
◎3 books are teachers for her because they teach subjects.
◎4 she got a message from a person who lived in the past, but didn’t like it.
1 books can carry someone’s messages from the past to today.
※In Mei’s speech, books can carry someone’s messages from the past to today.
(2) 下線部の内容
下線部 reading books is one easy way to keep learning through our lives について、メイがそのように考える理由を、日本語で書きなさい。
・下線部 reading books is one easy …. の前に、So, 「だから」とあるので、
The books gave me a new way of thinking and a new experience. We can read books
at home or on the bus. We can also do it while we are waiting in the hospital or
before we go to bed.
本文の内容をふまえて、次の英文の( ア )~( ウ )に入る最も適切な語を、下の
1 ~ 7 の中からそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その番号を書きなさい。
ー Reading books is important for everyone. Mei showed this by talking about
how she felt through her reading( ア ). Powerful messages are written in books
and an exciting world is waiting in books. She knows that books are wonderful teachers
for her. So, she wants to( イ )more new books. They will also be good teacher
for her. She hopes that she can( ウ )herself through reading.
1 put 2 ways 3 write 4 read 5 improve 6 performances 7 experiences |
がいいです。( ア )が入っている英文を見てみましょう。
Mei showed this by talking about how she felt through her reading ( ア ) .
◎少し難しい形ですが、”through her reading( ア )” でひとかたまりで、
「彼女の読書 ( ア )を通して」となるようです。ですから、名詞のはずです。
2 ways(方法・道)
6 performances (パフォーマンス)
7 experiences (経験)
7 experiences が正解となります。
– Mei showed this by talking about how she felt through her reading experiences.
・( イ )が入っている英文を見ましょう。
So, she wants to ( イ ) more new books.
◎( イ )の前に wants to があるので、「動詞の原形」が入ると思われます。
want to 動詞の原形で「〜したい」という表現がありましたね。
1 put(〜を置く)
3 write (〜を書く)
4 read(〜を読む)
5 improve (〜を改善する・よくなる)
4 read となります。
– So, she wants to read more new books.
( だから、彼女はより多くの新しい本を読みたいのです。)
・( ウ )が入ってる英文を見ましょう。
She hopes that she can ( ウ ) herself through reading.
◎ ( ウ ) の前に助動詞 can があるので、( ウ )の原形が入ります。
1 put(〜を置く)
3 write(〜を書く)
5 improve (〜を改善する・よくなる)
☞ 文の意味は、「彼女は読書を通して自分自身を(ウ)することができることを願う。」
5 improve となります。
– She hopes that she can improve herself through reading.