

今回も、[3] を扱いますが、
[3]には、A、B、C の問題があります。

今回は、そのうちの C の問題だけを扱います。

第3問の C の 配点は、

[3] C・・・留学生との会話に関する読解問題

次の英文は、高校生の直樹(Naoki)が、シンガポール(Singapore) から来た留学生の
ルーカス(Lucas) と会話している場面のものです。これを読んで、問いに答えなさい。

Naoki: Hi, Lucas. Today’s English class was interesting. It was my first time to
– use the *web meeting system. It was really fun.
Lucas: Yes. I enjoyed talking with the students in Korea on the Internet.
Naoki: If we use this web meeting system. we can talk and see each other’s 
– faces. This information *technology helps us have good communication.
Lucas: That’s true. I sometimes use this system to talk with my family in 
– Singapore.
Naoki: Wow, you’ve already used the system in your daily life, too.
Lucas: Yes. It’s really useful, but my family sometimes send me *handwritten
– *postcards with pictures of Singapore. The postcards always make my heart
– warm and *remind me of my country. So both the new technology and the 
–  traditional things are important for me.
Naoki: I understand what you mean. Your story reminds me of my uncle’s job.
– He’s a farmer and has grown *cabbages on his large *field for a long time.
– One of the important jobs he has is checking all his fields by himself to find 
– areas which have some problems, but it takes so much time to do that. So
– he’s trying to use new technologies now. He’s using *drones and *AI. His
– drones are used for taking pictures of his fields and the *data is sent to AI.
– Then it finds which areas have problems by using the data.
Lucas: Wow, that’s wonderful. His work is getting easier because he checks 
– only the areas with problems.
Naoki: I think so, too. But he says that AI isn’t good enough because it can’t
– show why the areas have problems.
Lucas: What do you mean?
Naoki: *Even if it shows that some areas have a *common problem such as
– having smaller cabbages, the reasons for the problem may be different 
– in each area. Some areas need more *fertilizers, and other areas need more 
– water.
Lucas: Really? Then, how does he find the reason?
Naoki: Well, he goes to the areas with problems and finds the reason with
– *the knowledge from his past experience. He remembers the *similar 
– conditions of the filed in the past.
Lucas: Wow, that sounds interesting!
Naoki: Yes. I think that he’s using both new technology and his knowledge
– *effectively.
Lucas: I agree with you. Both of them are useful for his job, so we don’t need
– to think about which is better.
Naoki: That’s right. It’s important for us to decide when to use new 
– technologies and traditional things and how to use them.

web meeting system  ウェブ会議システム   technology(technologies  技術
handwritten    手書きの  postcard(s) 絵はがき
remind 〜 of …   〜に … を思い出させる   cabbage(s)  キャベツ   field(s)    畑
even if     たとえ〜だとしても   common    共通の     fertilizer(s)   肥料
knowledge    知識     similar condition(s)    同じような状況    effectively    効果的に 


問1 下線部において行ったこととして、最も適当なものを、ア〜エから選びなさい。
ア  ウェブ会議システムを使った、韓国の生徒との会話
イ  初めて来日した外国人との交流
ウ  海外への手紙の書き方についての学習
エ  情報技術を使った農業についての学習


問2 本文の内容に合うものを、ア〜エから2つ選びなさい。
ア  Lucas has used the web meeting system to talk with his family in Korea.
イ  Luca’s heart gets warm when he reads handwritten postcards from his family.
ウ  Naoki says his uncle’s drones give fertilizers and water to the field.
エ  Naoki’s uncle uses AI to find the areas with problems in the field.
オ  Naoki says his uncle can’t use the data from his drones to grow cabbages.


問3  次の図は、直樹とルーカスの会話の内容について整理したものです。本文の内容
から考えて、(1) 〜 (3) に入る英語を書きなさい。ただし、(1)は2語、(2), (3) はそれ






問4  次の英文は、ルーカスが直樹との会話の後に書いた日記の一部です。日記の内容
から考えて、【  】に共通して入る適当な英語を1語で書きなさい。

  After I talked with Naoki, I remembered another story. I was looking for
a new guitar and found some good ones on the internet, but I didn’t decide
to buy one because I can’t【  】them on the internet. So I went to a shop
to【  】them. The shop worker gave me some advice, too. Finally, I bought
the best one.






次の英文は、高校生の直樹(Naoki)が、シンガポール(Singapore) から来た留学生の
ルーカス(Lucas) と会話している場面のものです。これを読んで、問いに答えなさい。

Naoki: Hi, Lucas. Today’s English class was interesting. It was my first time to
– use the *web meeting system. It was really fun.
Lucas: Yes. I enjoyed talking with the students in Korea on the Internet.
Naoki: If we use this web meeting system. we can talk and see each other’s 
– faces. This information *technology helps us have good communication.
Lucas: That’s true. I sometimes use this system to talk with my family in 
– Singapore.
Naoki: Wow, you’ve already used the system in your daily life, too.
Lucas: Yes. It’s really useful, but my family sometimes send me *handwritten
– *postcards with pictures of Singapore. The postcards always make my heart
– warm and *remind me of my country. So both the new technology and the 
–  traditional things are important for me.
Naoki: I understand what you mean. Your story reminds me of my uncle’s job.
– He’s a farmer and has grown *cabbages on his large *field for a long time.
– One of the important jobs he has is checking all his fields by himself to find 
– areas which have some problems, but it takes so much time to do that. So
– he’s trying to use new technologies now. He’s using *drones and *AI. His
– drones are used for taking pictures of his fields and the *data is sent to AI.
– Then it finds which areas have problems by using the data.
Lucas: Wow, that’s wonderful. His work is getting easier because he checks 
– only the areas with problems.
Naoki: I think so, too. But he says that AI isn’t good enough because it can’t
– show why the areas have problems.
Lucas: What do you mean?
Naoki: *Even if it shows that some areas have a *common problem such as
– having smaller cabbages, the reasons for the problem may be different 
– in each area. Some areas need more *fertilizers, and other areas need more 
– water.
Lucas: Really? Then, how does he find the reason?
Naoki: Well, he goes to the areas with problems and finds the reason with
– *the knowledge from his past experience. He remembers the *similar 
– conditions of the field in the past.
Lucas: Wow, that sounds interesting!
Naoki: Yes. I think that he’s using both new technology and his knowledge
– *effectively.
Lucas: I agree with you. Both of them are useful for his job, so we don’t need
– to think about which is better.
Naoki: That’s right. It’s important for us to decide when to use new 
– technologies and traditional things and how to use them.

web meeting system  ウェブ会議システム   technology(technologies  技術
handwritten    手書きの  postcard(s) 絵はがき
remind 〜 of …   〜に … を思い出させる   cabbage(s)  キャベツ   field(s)    畑
even if     たとえ〜だとしても   common    共通の     fertilizer(s)   肥料
knowledge    知識     similar condition(s)    同じような状況    effectively    効果的に 


問1 下線部において行ったこととして、最も適当なものを、ア〜エから選びなさい。
ア  ウェブ会議システムを使った、韓国の生徒との会話
イ  初めて来日した外国人との交流
ウ  海外への手紙の書き方についての学習
エ  情報技術を使った農業についての学習


Naoki: Hi, Lucas. Today’s English class was interesting. It was my first time to
– use the *web meeting system. It was really fun.

Today’s English class が
▶︎ “the web meeting system” を使ったものであることがわかります。

ア  ウェブ会議システムを使った、韓国の生徒との会話 となります。


問2 本文の内容に合うものを、ア〜エから2つ選びなさい。
ア  Lucas has used the web meeting system to talk with his family in Korea.
イ  Luca’s heart gets warm when he reads handwritten postcards from his family.
ウ  Naoki says his uncle’s drones give fertilizers and water to the field.
エ  Naoki’s uncle uses AI to find the areas with problems in the field.
オ  Naoki says his uncle can’t use the data from his drones to grow cabbages.

ア  ルーカスは韓国の家族と話すためにウェブ会議システムを使っている。
イ  ルーカスは家族からの手書きにハガキを読むと心が温かくなる。
ウ  直樹は自分のおじのドローンが畑に肥料や水を与えていると言っている。
エ  直樹のおじは畑の中で問題のある場所を見つけるために AI を使っている。
オ  直樹はおじはドローンからのデータをキャベツを育てるために使うことができない

ア  Lucas has used the web meeting system to talk with his family in Korea.

I sometimes use this system to talk with my family in Singapore.


イ  Luca’s heart gets warm when he reads handwritten postcards from his family.

Yes. It’s really useful, but my family sometimes send me *handwritten
– *postcards with pictures of Singapore. The postcards always make my heart
– warm and *remind me of my country.


ウ  Naoki says his uncle’s drones give fertilizers and water to the field.

He’s using *drones and *AI. His drones are used for taking pictures of his fields and the *data is sent to AI.
「彼(おじさん)はドローンと AI を使っています。彼のドローンは畑の写真を撮るため
に使われています。そしてそのデータは AI に送られます。」


エ  Naoki’s uncle uses AI to find the areas with problems in the field.
▶︎直樹のおじさんが AI をどのように使っているかが、ポイントになっています。

Then it finds which areas have problems by using the data.


オ  Naoki says his uncle can’t use the data from his drones to grow cabbages.

But he says that AI isn’t good enough because it can’t show why the areas
have problems.



イ  Luca’s heart gets warm when he reads handwritten postcards from
his family.
エ  Naoki’s uncle uses AI to find the areas with problems in the field.


問3  次の図は、直樹とルーカスの会話の内容について整理したものです。本文の内容
から考えて、(1) 〜 (3) に入る英語を書きなさい。ただし、(1)は2語、(2), (3) はそれ






◎ (1) について
👉 (1) に対するものとして、”traditional things” が図に記されています。
– 2語で traditional things に「対するもの」を表現するものを考えます。
・また、会話の最初の部分で、we meeting system のことを
“this technology” などと表現されていることから、
▶︎ new technologies が入ります。

◎(2) について
👉 (2) の部分は、”traditional things” の内容にあたるもので、具体例として
– postcard と the knowledge from our own (2) が挙げられています。
・会話の中では “the knowledge from his past experience (彼の過去の経験からの
知識)” という表現があることからも、
▶︎ knowledge が入ります。

It’s important for us to decide when to use new technologies and traditional
things and how to use them.
▶︎ decide がは入ります。

(1) new technologies
(2) experience
(3) decide 


問4  次の英文は、ルーカスが直樹との会話の後に書いた日記の一部です。日記の内容
から考えて、【  】に共通して入る適当な英語を1語で書きなさい。

  After I talked with Naoki, I remembered another story. I was looking for
a new guitar and found some good ones on the internet, but I didn’t decide
to buy one because I can’t【  】them on the internet. So I went to a shop
to【  】them. The shop worker gave me some advice, too. Finally, I bought
the best one.


なぜなら私は、インターネットでそれらを【  】できないからです。だから
私はそれらを【  】するために店に行きました。そこの店員さんは私にアドバイス


正解は、play となります。

・but I didn’t decide to buy one because I can’t play them on the internet.
・So I went to a shop to play them.










