tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 10 今週の Review
Opening で
Hey, everyone. This is Roza Akino.
Ready for another Friday review?
Let’s get started.
Chris McVay here.
Let’s get this review on the road.
※get this review on the road
👉この review を開始する
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 6 語順が大切⑤:助動詞
Q:What will they probably do?
-A. They will invite Pierre to a party.
-B. They will not go to Pierre’s party.
-C. They will order some food.
Tuesday Lesson 7 語順が大切⑥:否定のnot
Q:Which of the following is true?
-A. The man proposed the idea of natto smoothies.
-B. The man doesn’t like natto.
-C. The man needs to think outside the box.
Wednesday Lesson 8 語順が大切⑦:時表現の前置き
Q:Where is the man’s wallet?
-A. In his pocket.
-B. In his room.
-C. In the taxi.
Thursday Lesson 9 語順が大切⑧:前置きと後ろ置き
Q:What did the woman find hard to believe?
-A. That Fred didn’t practice before filming.
-B. That Fred was a good tap dancer.
-C. That Fred would be in part 2 of the movie.
Ending で
So, Chris. Did you always listen
to your parents’ advice?
As you can imagine, I was a model child.
So I always followed their advice.
Is that why you were always called
into the headmaster’s office, Chris?
※model child
※call into
Words and Phrases
① get the show on the road
※opening では、the show を this review に
② lead to trouble
Lesson 10 は終了!