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Lesson 68 動詞句の説明③:動詞-ing形・過去分詞
– 語順は「基本文型」と「修飾語順規則」によって決まる。
– Lesson 1 から 9 までは「修飾語順規則」を扱いました。
▶︎Lesson 11 からは Lesson 40までは
▶︎Lesson 31 から Lesson 53 までは、
Lesson 54, 56 では「リポート文の拡張」を学習しました。
▶︎Lesson 57 〜 59 で「命令文」と「there 文」を扱いました。
Opening で
▶︎Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
“説明ルール ” is the mackerel of English?
▶︎Hi, everyone. Chris McVay here.
Oh, yesterday I had a long session with my personal trainer,
and today every muscle in my body aches.
Ah 〜, let’s get started!
※ mackerel
Dialogue で
① aches
👉 ache「痛む」という動詞です。「痛む」という動詞には、
もう1つ hurt という動詞がありましたね。
O:So what’s the difference between “hurt” and “ache”?
R:Well, I think “hurt” is more of a pain from the outside.
C:Yeah, whereas “ache” is more internal, persistent,
dull discomfort, like toothache, stomachache.
② What do you mean?
👉 これは相手の真意をただす決まり文句です。
③ I can’t remember the rest.
👉 rest(残り) に the がついています。
– 全体がわかっているわけですから、ある部分を除いた残り –
それも決まるわけです。だから the がつくわけです。
After the dialogue
▶︎You know, what else(?) has a lot of exercises?
Our textbook!
Feel English Like a Native Speaker
・今回は、動詞-ing形と過去分詞 を説明として後ろに並べます。
[1] 動詞-ing形
◎ I was busy [何して] sweeping up the fallen leaves.
[2] 過去分詞
◎ We arrived at the hotel [どんな状態で] exhausted.
Practice by Chris
▶︎OK, guys. Are you ready to practice the key sentence?
As usual, we have to grab the native speakers’ feeling, and
this is like “spent the whole morning” – what? – “doing
military-style exercises.”
– So he will use the ing form to explain what comes before.
“spent the whole morning ” – what? – “doing military-style exercises.”
– Are you ready? Let’s go! After me!
“spent the whole morning doing military-style exercises.” Try!
– Really get this feeling “this is explaining what goes before.”
“spent the whole morning doing military-style exercises.”
– So now you’re ready for the whole sentence.
“I spend the whole morning doing military-style exercises.” Let’s go!
– That’s it. Well done.
▶︎Well, I can spend hours writing about English grammar.
▶︎Really? I could spend hours watching gold on TV.
▶︎Really? I could spend hours sleeping with my cat.
Words and Phrases
① drill sergeant
② sweep up
③ the Star Festival strip
Lesson 68 は終了!