第6問 B の模範解答・・・問題をやってから確認しましょう
問1-4 問2-4 問3ー2・3[両方正解で3点] 問4ー 3 問5ー5
第6問 B の解説
第6問 のBでは、「あなた」は科学クラブでのプレゼンの準備をしていて、、そのため
B You are preparing a presentation for your science club, using the following
passage from a science website.
Chili Peppers:The Spice of Life
❶Tiny pieces of red spice in chili chicken add a nice touch of color, but
biting into even a small piece can make a person’s mouth burn as if it were on
fire. While some people love this, others want to avoid the painful sensation.
At the same time, though, they can eat sashimi with wasabi. This might lead
one to wonder what spiciness actually is and to ask where the difference
between chili and wasabi comes from.
❷ Unlike sweetness, saltness, and sourness, spiciness is not a taste. In fact.
we do not actually taste heat, or spiciness, when we eat spicy foods. The bite
we feel from eating chili peppers and wasabi is derived from different types of
compounds. Chili peppers get their heat from a heavier, oil-like element called
capsaicin. Capsaicin leaves a lingering, fire-like sensation in our mouths
because it triggers a receptor called TRPV1. TRPV1 induces stress and tells
us when something is burning our mouths. Interestingly, there is a wide range
of heat across the different varieties of chili peppers, and the level depends on
the amount of capsaicin they contain. This is measured using the Scoville
Scale, which is also called Scoville Heat Units (SHU). SHUs range from the
sweet and mild shishito pepper at 50-200 SHUs to the Carolina Reaper pepper.
which can reach up to 2.2 million.
❸ Wasabi is considered a root, not a pepper, and does not contain capsaicin.
Thus, wasabi is not ranked on the Scoville Scale. However, people have
compared the level of spice in it to chilis with around 1,000 SHUs, which is on
the lower end of the scale. The reason some people cannot tolerate chili spice
but can eat foods flavored with wasabi is that the spice compounds in it are
low in density. The compounds in wasabi vaporize easily, delivering a blast of
spiciness to our nose when we eat it.
❹ Consuming chili peppers can have positive effects on our health, and much
research has been conducted into the benefits of capsaicin. When capsaicin
activates the TRPV1 receptor in a person’s body, it is similar to what happens
when they experience stress or pain from an injury. Strangely, capsaicin can
also make pain go away. Scientists found the TRPV1 ceases to be turned on
after long-term exposure to chili peppers, temporarily easing painful
sensations. Thus, skin creams containing capsaicin might be useful for people
who experience muscle aches.
❺ Another benefit of eating chili peppers is that they accelerate the
metabolism. A group of researchers analyzed 90 studies on capsaicin and body
weight and found that people had a reduced appetite when they are spicy
foods. This is because spicy foods increase the heart rate, send more energy
to the muscles, and convert fat into energy. Recently, scientists at the
University of Wyoming have created a weight-loss drug with capsaicin as a
main ingredient.
❻ It is also believed that chili peppers are connected with food safety, which
might lead to a healthier life. When food is left outside of a refrigerated
environment, microorganisms multiply on it, which may cause sickness if
eaten. Studies have shown that capsaicin and other chemicals found in chili
peppers have antibacterial properties that can slow down or even stop
microorganism growth. As a result, food lasts longer and there are fewer
food-borne illness. This may explain why people in hot climates have a
tendency to use more chili peppers, and therefore, be more tolerant of spicier
foods due to repeated exposure. Also, in the past, before there were
refrigerators, they were less likely to have food poisoning than people in cooler
❼ Chili peppers seem to have health benefits, but can they also be bad for
our health? Peppers that are high on the Scoville Scale can cause physical
discomfort when eaten in large quantities. People who have eaten several of
the word’s hottest chilis in a short time have reported experiencing upset
stomachs, diarrhea, numb hands, and symptoms similar to a heart attack.
Ghost peppers, which contain one million SHUs, can even burn a person’s skin
if they are touched.
❽ Luckily the discomfort some people feel after eating spicy foods tends to
go away soon – usually within a few hours. Despite some negative side effects,
spicy foods remain popular around the world and add a flavorful touch to the
table. Remember, it is safe to consume spicy foods, but you might want to be
careful about the amount of peppers you put in your dishes.
Presentation slides:
問1 What is the first characteristic of wasabi on Slide 2?【 44 】
① burning taste
② fire-like sensation
③ lasting feeling
④ light compounds
問2 Which is an error you found on Slide 3?【 45 】
① A
② B
③ C
④ D
⑤ E
問3 Choose two options for Slide 4. (The oder does not matter.)【 46 】・【 47 】
① you might activate harmful bacteria.
② you might experience stomach pain.
③ you might lose feeling in your hands.
④ your fingers might feel like they are on fire.
⑤ your nose might start hurting.
問4 What can be inferred about tolerance for spices for Slide 5? 【 48 】
① People with a high tolerance to chili peppers pay attention to the spices
used in their food.
② People with a high tolerance to wasabi are scared of chili pepper’s
negative effects.
③ People with a low tolerance to cili peppers can get used to their heat.
④ People with a low tolerance to wasabi cannot endure high SHU levels.
問5 Choose the most appropriate remark for Slide 6. 【 49 】
① Don’t be afraid. Eating spicy foods will boost your confidence.
② Next time you eat chili chicken, remember its punch only stays for a second.
③ Personality plays a big role in our spice preference, so don’t worry.
④ Unfortunately, there are no cures for a low wasabi tolerance.
⑤ When someone offers you some spicy food, remember it has some benefits.
解説 – 「チリペッパー」についてのプレゼンをつくる
B You are preparing a presentation for your science club, using the following
passage from a science website.
・1枚目のスライド:Chili Peppers:The Spice of Life がタイトル
・2枚目のスライド:Characteristics「特徴」 chili peppers「チリペッパー」 wasabi「ワサビ」
・3枚目のスライド:Positive Effects「良い効能」
・4枚目のスライド:Negative Effects「悪影響」
・5枚目のスライド:Spice Tolerance「スパイス耐性」
・6枚目のスライド:Closing Remark「最後に」
問1 What is the first characteristic of wasabi on Slide 2?【 44 】
① burning taste
② fire-like sensation
③ lasting feeling
④ light compounds
問1 スライド2でのワサビの最初の特徴は何ですか。【 44 】
① 燃えている味
② 火のような感覚
③ 続いている感情
④ 軽い化合物
👉「プレゼンのスライド」の【 44 】の wasabi の部分は次の通り。
・【 44 】
・changing to vapor
・spicy rush
・【 44 】
▶︎❸の後半には、wasabi についてこのように書かれています。
The reason some people cannot tolerate chili spice but can eat foods flavored with
wasabi is that the spice compounds in it are low in density.
④ light compounds となります。【 44 】
※【 44 】④
問2 Which is an error you found on Slide 3?【 45 】
① A
② B
③ C
④ D
⑤ E
問2 スライド3であなたが見つけた間違いはどれですか。【 45 】
① A
② B
③ C
④ D
⑤ E
👉 スライド3は次の通り。
Positive Effects
Capsaicin can … 【 45 】
A. reduce pain.
B. give you more energy.
C. speed up your metabolism.
D. make you feel less stress.
E. decrease food poisoning.
A. 痛みを和らげる(ことができる)。
B. より多くのエネルギーを与える(ことができる)。
C. 代謝を加速する(ことができる)。
D. よりストレスを少なく感じさせる(ことができる)。
E. 食べ物の毒化を減少する(ことができる)
▶︎ capsaicin の「positive effects」については、❹❺❻に書かれています。
◎ Strangely, capsaicin can also make pain go away. – A. と同じ内容
◎ Another benefit of eating chili peppers is that they accelerate the metabolism.
– C. と同じ内容
◎ This is because spicy foods increase the heart rate, send more energy to the
muscles, and convert fat into energy.
– B. と同じ内容
◎ Studies have shown that capsaicin and other chemicals found in chili peppers
have antibacterial properties that can slow down or even stop microorganism growth.
– E. と同じ内容
4. D ( make you feel less stress.)
となります。【 45 】
※【 45 】④
問3 Choose two options for Slide 4. (The oder does not matter.)【 46 】・【 47 】
① you might activate harmful bacteria.
② you might experience stomach pain.
③ you might lose feeling in your hands.
④ your fingers might feel like they are on fire.
⑤ your nose might start hurting.
問3 スライド4で2つの選択肢を選びなさい。(順不同) 【 46 】【 47 】
① 有害なバクテリアを活性化するかもしれない。
② 胃痛になるかもしれない。
③ 自分の手の感覚を失うかもしれない。
④ 指は火につけたような感じになるかもしれない。
⑤ 鼻が痛み始めるかもしれない。
Negative Effects
When eating too many strong chili peppers in a short time,
【 46 】
【 47 】
短い間にあまりに多くの強いチリペッパーを食べると …
【 46 】
【 47 】
People who have eaten several of the world’s hottest chilis in a short time have reported
experiencing upset stomaches, diarrhea, numb hands, and symptoms similar to a heart attack.
② you might experience stomach pain. と ③ you might lose feeling in your hands
※【 46 】【 47 】 ② ③
問4 What can be inferred about tolerance for spices for Slide 5?【 48 】
① People with a high tolerance to chili peppers pay attention to the spices
used in their food.
② People with a high tolerance to wasabi are scared of chili peppers’
negative effects.
③ People with a low tolerance to chili peppers can get used to their heat.
④ People with a low tolerance to wasabi cannot endure high SHR levels.
問4 スライド5では何がスパイスの耐性について推測されることができるか。 【 48 】
① チリペッパーに対する強い耐性がある人は食べ物の中に使われているスパイスに注意を払う。
② わさびに対する強い耐性がある人はチリペッパーの悪い効果を恐れる。
③ チリペッパーへの耐性が弱い人はその「熱さ」になれることができる。
④ わさびへの耐性が弱い人は高い SHR のレベルを耐えることができない。
Spice Tolerance
【 48 】
【 48 】
▶︎スパイスの耐性については …1つ1つ見てみましょう。
① People with a high tolerance to chili peppers pay attention to the spices used in
their food.
▶️ chili peppers がどのような物質であるかについての話は書かれていますが、「強い耐性の
② People with a high tolerance to wasabi are scared of chili peppers’ negative effects.
▶️ 同じように wasabi についてもどのような物質であるかについては示されていますが、
③ People with a lower tolerance to chili peppers can get used to their heat.
“….. be more tolerant of spicier foods due to repeated exposure.”「繰り返し触れることに
よって、よりスパイシーな食べ物に対する耐性が強くなる(傾向がある)” と書かれているので、⭕️
④ People with a lower tolerance to wasabi cannot endure high SUH levels.
”Wasabi is considered a root, not a pepper, and does not contain capsaicin. Thus, wasabi
is not ranked on the Scoville Scale.” 「ワサビは、ペパーではなく、[根] と見なされていて、
カプサイシンを含んでませn。このため、ワサビは Scoville Scale に順位づけされていません。」
このように、わさびとチリペッパーは、全く別物なので、わさびが苦手だからと言って、SUH が高い
③ People with a lower tolerance to chill peppers can get used to their heat.となります。
※【 48 】③
問5 Choose the most appropriate remark for Slide 6. 【 49 】
① Don’t be afraid. Eating spicy foods will boost your confidence.
② Next time you eat chili chicken, remember its punch only stays for a second.
③ Personality plays a big role in our spice preference, so don’t worry.
④ Unfortunately, there are no cures for a low wasabi tolerance.
⑤ When someone offers you some spicy food, remember it has some benefits.
問5 スライド6について最も適切な「意見」を選びなさい。
【 49 】
① 恐れるな。スパイシーな食べ物を食べることはあなたに自信をつけさせるでしょう。
② 次回チリチキンを食べるときは、その「パンチ(一瞬の辛さ)」が一瞬だけ残ることを覚えて
③ 性格が私たちのスパイスの好みに大きな役割を果たしているので、心配しないで。
④ 残念なことに、わさびの耐性が弱い人には直す方法がありません。
⑤ 誰かがあなたにスパイシーな食べ物を提供するときは、利点があることを覚えておきなさい。
Closing Remark
【 49 】
【 49 】
“Despite some negative side effects, spicy foods remain popular around the world and
add a flavorful touch to the table. Remember, it is safe to consume spicy foods, but
you might want to be careful about the amount of peppers you put in your dishes.”
⑤ When someone offers you some spicy food, remember it has some benefits. となります。
※【 49 】⑤
