How +形容詞/副詞 で「どの程度の〜」
① how long
② how old
今回は③how many +複数形の例文を見てみましょう。
how many+複数形:「どの程度の数なのか」
① There are 255 students in our school.
→ 下線部 “255 students” で「生徒の数」を表しているので
「数」をたずねる how many を使い、how many students にします。
→ 仮に 255 students の部分に、 how many studetns を置きます。
→ There are how many students in our school. (仮の形)
→ our を your に代え、疑問文をつくります。<be動詞の疑問文です。>
→ Are there how many studetns in your school? (仮の形)
→ how many students を一番前に移動させます。
Q:How many students are there in your school?
→ たずねる文が “There is / are ~.” の文なので、
それに合わせて、There are で答えます。
→ There are ~.
→ in your school の your は、our に(またはmy)代えます。
→ There are ~ in our school.
→ 新しい情報は、”255 students” なので、are の後に置きます。
A:There are 255 students in our/my school.
② Ken has more than one hundred CDs.
→ 下線部 “more than one hundred CDs” で「CDの数」を表しているので
「数」をたずねる how many を使い、how many CDs にします。
→ 仮に more than one hundred CDs の部分に how many CDs 置きます。
→ Ken has how many CDs. (仮の形)
→ 疑問文をつくります。
( has には、does が隠れています。)
→ Does Ken have how many CDs? (仮の形)
→ how many CDs を一番前に移動させます。
Q:How many CDs does Ken have?
→ 主語 Ken は男性なので、代名詞 he を使います。
→ does と have があるので、動詞は三単現の形 has を使います。
→ He has ~.
→ 新しい情報は”more than one hundred CDs“なので、has 後に置きます。
A:He has more than one hundred CDs.
③ Three people were hurt in that accident.
→ 下線部 “three people” で「人数」を表しているので、
「数」をたずねる how many を使い、how many people にします。
→ 仮に three poeple の部分に、how many people を置きます。
→ How many people were hurt in that accident. (仮の形)
→ 疑問文をつくりますが、how many people が主語、were が動詞
Q:How many people were hurt in that accident?
→ 主語の部分に新しい情報 “three people” がきます。
→ 主語が three people で複数形なので、be動詞は were のままでOK.
A:Three people were.
◎were 以降の英文は同じなので、were の代動詞で終わります。
④ She has been to Ireland three times before.
→ 下線部 “three times” で「回数」を表しているので、
「数」をたずねる how many を使い、how many times にします。
→ 仮に three times の部分に、how many times を置きます。
→ She has been to Ireland how many times before. (仮の形)
→ 疑問文をつくります。<現在完了の文なので、has を文頭に>
→ Has she been to Ireland how many times before? (仮の形)
→ how many times を一番前に移動させます。
Q:How many times has she been to Ireland before?
→ 主語が代名詞 she なので、そのまま使います。
→ 現在完了もそのまま使います。
→ She has been ~.
→ to Ireland は繰り返さないように there を使います。
→ She has been there ~.
→ 新しい情報は、”three times” なので、there の後に置きます。
A:She has been there three ttimes (before).
how③how long, how old
how⑤how much, how often
how⑥how と what