21-ラジオビジネス英語 9/10

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Interview 6 Part 4  Sustainable Development 

▶︎9月Melati Wijsen さんとのインタビュー。
– 環境活動家
– インドネシア – バリ島生まれ
– 2013年、12歳のときに、2歳年下の妹イザベルと、プラスチックごみを
– 2018年、2人はTIME誌の25 Most Influential Teens に選ばれる



▶︎And I’m Jenny Silver.
Welcome to Business English for Global Competence.

▶︎Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively 
in business.

▶︎So let’s get started!

▶︎OK, let’s listen to today’s interview.

Words and Phrases 

● rest on one’s laurels ▶︎現在の栄光に満足する
– To rest on your laurels is to be OK or content with your 
achievements. And not make any effort to achieve something more.

● empower ▶︎(社会的な)力を与える
– To empower can mean to give someone power or authority,
or it can refer to making someone stronger, building them up
so they can be successful.
– Melati talked about empowering women or giving them
the tools and motivation they need to be successful.

● circular ▶︎循環的な
– Going in a circle or cycle.
Melati mentioned that Mountain Mamas is a social enterprise
with a circular system. So its continuation benefits all who are involved.
– On a related note, a circular economy aims to eliminate or reduce waste
by reusing as much as possible in a cycle to eliminate a traditional linear
path of going from gathering materials to discarding it as trash or pollution.

● pre-loved▶︎使い古しの
– Secondhand, previously-owned.
Pre-loved is an informal word that can be a euphemism for secondhand, or
pre-owned. It has a much more positive meaning.

● repurpose ▶︎(少し手を加えて)再利用する
– To use something for another purpose.
To adopt, to change something into something else.






Interview 6 Part 4 は終了です。

