23-ラジオ英会話 発言のフロー Review ③

 Review をします。

それでは第 47 週 ( 3月 Week 3 )の復習です。
発言のフロー Review ③ とします。

発言のフロー Review ③

・ Week 46 は、発言のフローについて学習しました。



Lesson 231 比較・対照のフロー

・in contrast to [with] 〜, compared to 〜, on the other hand,
on the contrary, contrary to 
 [Key] In contrast, Issa focuses on more everyday themes.
▶︎ contrast は「対照・明らかな相違」。in contrast は「それと対照的に・それと
比べて」in contrast to Basho のように対象を加える場合、in contrast to [with] 〜
① compared to [with] 〜「〜と比べると」
Compared to last year, this year’s sales increased by 12%.
– in comparison with 〜 もよく使われます。
② on the other hand と while
※ I’m a terrible golfer. On the other hand, my brother is a very good golfer.
 – 2者を対照的に比べるのが on the other hand
[ 本来 on the one hand 〜, on the other hand …. という対句。単独でもOK ]
※ I’m introverted, while my wife is quite extroverted.
– 2つの出来事が同時に展開することを表す while 
③ on the contrary と contrary to 〜
※ We expected success. On the contrary, what we got was a failure.
– on the contrary は前言を強く否定し、真逆な内容を述べます
Contrary to popular belief, 〜 [通説に反して]
Contrary to all expectations, 〜 [あらゆる予想に反して]

 Lesson 232  積み重ねるフロー① 

積み上げるフロー▶︎ also, too [ Me too. / You too. ], as well

[Key] We also have five new running machines.
▶︎ also は「〜も・〜もまた」。積み上げる感覚の重要語。

① also は文頭でも使える
※ I recommend you go to the gym more often. Also, you have to 
cut down on calories.
② 気楽に使える too 
※ I love cats too. [文末が好まれる]
※ You, too, can transform you body. [文中に入ることも可能]
Me too.  [相手の発言を受けて – 私も ]
※ Nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you too.
※ Have a nice day. – You too. [相手の発言を受けて – あなたも]
③ as well, A as well as B の形も使えるように
※ Really? I went to that university as well.  
※ Please clean the sink as well as the shower. [ B だけでなく A も]

Lesson 233  積み重ねるフロー②

「さらに・その上」と論点を積み上げるフレーズ▶︎ besides
 ・in addition [t, on the top of 〜, what’s more, not only A but also B

[Key] Besides, I’ll be traveling with my boyfriend then.
▶︎ beside は「〜のそばに」。そこからbesidesの「その上」は、真っ直ぐ論点を

①「さらに・その上」の基本のフレーズ in addition
※ This job requires five years’ experience.
In addition, we also require a driver’s license.
– in addition to 〜, additionally も覚えましょう。
② 積み上げた論点の頂上の上に on top of 〜
※ My friend refused to talk to me.
On top of that, she even made me sleep on the sofa.
③ what’s more は躍動感のあるフレーズ。
– いくつかの論点を示したあと、決定打を放ちます
※ My new job is interesting and stimulating.
What’s more, I get to travel to many countries.
④ not only A but (also) B「AだけでなくBも」
※ She’s not only a teacher but (also) a mother of three kids.

Lesson 234  例を示すフロー 

例を示す簡単で便利なフレーズ▶︎ for example, for instance
・[ classic / good / typical / obvious …] example, such as, like 〜

[Key] This website, for example, is good for finding great deals.
👉この for example (例えば) – For example, 〜 と文頭に置くのがポピュラーですが、
□ example の代わりに instance を使って、for instance ともできます。

① example を使った表現:for example,  examples of ~
※ Take Omoizawa, for example. [文末にも置ける]
※ Extreme weather has increased in recent years. Examples of this are 〜,
② よく使われる「形容詞+ example」 の表現
※ This is a classic example of a stereotype.
– classic example [典型的な例], そのほかに
 good, interesting, typical, prime, obvious なども使える
③ such as 「例えば」- 具体例を示す
※ We bought some furniture, such as a table and a sofa.
※ I have tons of things to do. – Such as? [相手に尋ねることもできる}
④ like も例示に使うことができる。気軽な口語表現
※ There are many ways to improve your English, like reading books
and listening to Radio Eikaiwa.







発言のフロー Review ③ は終了!

