tweet で発信してきたものを、
月曜日から木曜日までの review となります。
Lesson 35 今週の Review
Opening で

Hey, everyone. Welcome back for
the review! This is Roza Akino.

Chris McVay here. The moment you’ve
all been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen.
Review Time!
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 31 基本文型 説明型⑨:オーバーラッピングで「変化」
Q:What was the bang the crew heard?
-A. Something hit Omega.
-B. There was an explosion in Omega.
-C. It was a sound effect in a video game.
Tuesday Lesson 32 基本文型 説明型⑩:オーバーラッピングでのgo、come
Q:What is the first thing David will probably do after the conversation?
-A. Heat up the tortillas.
-B. Roll the tortillas.
-C. Buy avocados.
Wednesday Lesson 33 基本文型 授与型①:基礎
Q:What does Doris want Theo to write copy for?
-A. For an ad agency.
-B. For a movie.
-C. For commercials.
Thursday Lesson 34 基本文型 授与型②:さまざまな動詞で授与型
Q:What will Masaru do for Roxy’s birthday?
-A. He’ll take her out.
-B. He’ll give her his favorite book.
-C. He’ll buy her flowers.

“Everything will come right” in Situation 1
is British English, right?

That’s right. In American English, you would say,
“everything will turn out right,” or “everything will
be all right,” or even “everything will turn out OK.”

Yes, it’s definitely British English, and we can
also say “come good.” So there’s so much
variety of British English, don’t you think?
Words and Phrases
① waste 〜 on …
👉 … に〜を浪費する
② mean it
③ come right
④ book coupon
⑤ bookworm
Lesson 35 は終了!