B の解答・・・各2点(計10点)
問1ー1 問2ー1 問3ー1 問4ー3 問5ー2
B の解説
B You are a college student going to study in the US and need travel insurance.
You find this review of an insurance plan written by a female international
student who studied in the US for six months.
clothes, prepare you travel expense, and don’t forget medication ( if
necessary ). Also, you should purchase travel insurance.
When I studied at Fairville University in California, I bought travel insurance
from TravSafer International. I signed up online in less than 15 minutes and
was immediately covered. They accept any form of payment, usually on a
monthly basis. There were three plans. All plans include a one-time health
The Premium Plan is $100/month. The plan provides 24-hour medical support
through a smartphone app and telephone service. Immediate financial support
will be authorized if you need to stay in a hospital.
The Standard Plan worked best for me. It had the 24-hour telephone
assistance and included a weekly email with tips for staying healthy in a
foreign country. It wasn’t cheap: $75/month. However, it was nice to get the
optional 15% discount because I paid for six months of coverage in advance.
If your budget is limited, you can choose the Economy Plan, which is
$25/month. It has the 24-hour telephone support like the other plans but only
covers emergency care. Also, they can arrange a taxi to a hospital at a
reduced cost if considered necessary by the support center.
I never got sick or hurt, so I thought it was a waste of money to get insurance.
Then my friend from Brazil broke his leg while playing soccer and had to
spend a few days in a hospital. He had chosen the Premium Plan and it
covered everything! I realized how important insurance is – you know that you
will be supported when you are in trouble.
問1 According to the review, which of the following is true?【 11 】
① Day and night medical assistance is available with the most expensive plan.
② The cheapest plan includes free hospitalization for any reason.
③ The mid-level plan does not include the one-time health check-up.
④ The writer’s plan cost her over $100 every month.
問2 Which is not included in the cheapest option?【 12 】
① Emil support
② Emergency treatment
③ Telephone help desk
④ Transport assistance
問3 Which is the best combination that describes TravSafer International? 【 13 】
A: They allow monthly payments.
B: They design scholarship plans for students.
C: They help you remember your medication.
D: They offer an Internet-based registration system.
E: They require a few days to process the application form.
① A and D
② A and E
③ B and D
④ B and E
⑤ C and D
問4 The writer’s opinion of her chosen plan is that【 14 】.
① it prevented her from being health conscious
② she was not satisfied with the telephone assistance
③ the option for cost reduction was attractive
④ the treatment for her broken leg was covered
問5 Which of the following best describes the writer’s attitude? 【 15 】.
① She believes the smartphone app is useful.
② She considers travel preparation to be important.
③ She feels the US medical system is unique in the world.
④ She thinks a different hospital would have been better for her friend,
それでは、B の解説に入ります。
B の解説 – ある交換留学生のレポート
👉A も B も「ある設定」のもとでの「英文読解」なので、
You are a college student going to study in the US and need travel insurance.
You find this review of an insurance plan written by a female international
student who studied in the US for six months.
問1 According to the review, which of the following is true?【 11 】
① Day and night medical assistance is available with the most expensive plan.
② The cheapest plan includes free hospitalization for any reason.
③ The mid-level plan does not include the one-time health check-up.
④ The writer’s plan cost her over $100 every month.
問1 このレビューによると、次のどれが正しいですか。【 11 】
① 24時間対応の医療サポートが、一番高価なプランでは可能である。
② 一番安いプランには原因に関わらず無料の入院が含まれる。
③ 中程度のプランには1度限りの健康診断は含まれていない。
④ レビューの筆者のプランは毎月100ドル以上かかった。
① Day and night medical assistance is available with the most expensive plan.
▶︎「一番高価なプラン」は、the Premium Plan で3段落目にその説明が書かれています。
関連する部分を抜き出すと、”The plan provides 24-hour medical support through a smartphone app and telephone service.”「このプランではスマホのアプリと電話サービスで
② The cheapest plan includes free hospitalization for any reason.
▶︎「一番安価なプラン」は、the Economy Plan で5段落目にその説明が書かれています。
関連する部分を抜き出すと、”It has the 24-hour telephone support like the other plans
but only cover emergency care.”「他のプランと同じように24時間電話サポートに対応するが、
緊急医療だけをカバーする」とあるので、for any reason ではないので、❌
③ The mid-level plan does not include one-time health check-up.
▶︎「真ん中のレベルのプラン」は、the Standard Plan で4段落目にその説明が書かれています。
関連する部分を抜き出すと、ただし、health check-up「健康診断」については、2段落目に、
”All plans include a one-time health check-up.”「すべてのプランには1回の健康診断が含まれる」とあるので、❌
④ The writer’s plan cost her over $100 every month.
▶︎「筆者」は、3段落目からすると、the Standard Plan に入ったことがわかります。費用は、
“It wasn’t cheap:$75/month.” 「安くはなかった:毎月75ドル」とあるので、100ドルより
① Day and night medical assistance is available with the most expensive plan. となります。
問2 Which is not included in the cheapest option?【 12 】
① Email support
② Emergency treatment
③ Telephone help desk
④ Transport assistance
問2 どれが一番安いものには含まれないのですか?【 12 】
① メールのサポート
② 応急処置
③ 電話対応によるサポート
④ 移動の支援
“If your budget is limited, you can choose the Economy Plan, which is
$25/month. It has ③ the 24-hour telephone support like the other plans but only
covers ② emergency care. Also, ④ they can arrange a taxi to a hospital at a
reduced cost if considered necessary by the support center.”
① Email support
▶︎上記の英文を見ると、telephone support については書かれていますが、email に関しては
② Emergency treatment
▶︎上記の②の青い下線部に、covers ② emergency care となるので、❌
③ Telephone help desk
▶︎上記の③の青い下線部に、③ the 24-hour telephone support とあるので、❌
④ Transport assistance
① Email support となります。
問3 Which is the best combination that describes TravSafer International? 【 13 】
A: They allow monthly payments.
B: They design scholarship plans for students.
C: They help you remember your medication.
D: They offer an Internet-based registration system.
E: They require a few days to process the application form.
① A and D
② A and E
③ B and D
④ B and E
⑤ C and D
問3 どれが、TravSafer インターナショナル を説明する一番良い組み合わせですか。【 13 】
A: 月ごとの支払いができる
B: 生徒へ奨学金のプラン案がある
C: あなたの薬服用をお知らせする
D: インターネットでの登録ができる
E: 申し込み受付に2,3日間かかる
① A and D
② A and E
③ B and D
④ B and E
⑤ C and D
👉 TravSaver International には、「筆者」が加入した保険会社です。今まで、読み込んだ内容と
合致しているかどうか、をA から E までの選択肢を1つ1つ確認しましょう。
A:They allow monthly payments.
▶︎2段落目に、”They accept any form of payment, usually on a monthly basis.”「一般的には毎月払いだが、どんな形の支払い方法にも対応する。」とあるので、⭕️
B:They design scholarship plans for students.
▶︎ scholarship「奨学金」については、書かれていないので、❌
C:They help you remember your medication.
▶︎ medication について思い出せるようなシステムがあるとは、書かれていないので、❌
D:They offer an Internet-based registration system.
▶︎2段落目に、筆者が登録するときの話で、”I signed up online in less than 15 minutes and
was immediately covered.”「オンラインで15分足らずで登録し、すぐに保険対応となりました」
E:They require a few days to process the application form.
① A and D となります。
問4 The writer’s opinion of her chosen plan is that 【 14 】.
① it prevented her from being health conscious
② she was not satisfied with the telephone assistance
③ the option for cost reduction was attractive
④ the treatment for her broken leg was covered
問4 彼女が選んだプランに対する意見は、【 14 】である。
① 健康を意識することを妨げた
② 彼女は電話のサポートに満足しなかった
③ 費用減額のオプションは魅力的であった
④ 骨折した足の処置には、保険適応された
① it prevented her from being health conscious
▶︎最後の段落に、”I thought it was a waste of money to get insurance.”「保険に入るのはお金の無駄だったと思った」とはありますが、ブラジルの友人の例を挙げて、”I realized how important
insurance is”「保険がどれくらい大事なものかがわかった」とあるので、❌
② she was not satisfied with the telephone assistance
③ the option for cost reduction was attractive
▶︎4段落目に、”However, it was nice to get the optional 15 % discount because I paid for
six months of coverage in advance.”「しかしながら、6ヶ月分前払いしたため、オプションで 15%割引となったのは良かった」とあるので、⭕️
④ the treatment for her broken leg was covered
▶︎骨折したのは、「筆者」ではなく、友達で、”Then my friend from Brazil broke his leg ….”
③ the option for cost reduction was attractive となります。
問5 Which of the following best describes the writer’s attitude? 【 15 】
① She believes the smartphone app is useful.
② She considers travel preparation to be important.
③ She feels the US medical system is unique in the world.
④ She thinks a different hospital would have been better for her friend.
問5 次のどれが筆者の態度を一番よく表現していますか。【 15 】
① 彼女はスマホのアプリが役に立つことを信じている。
② 彼女は旅行の準備が重要であると考えている。
③ 彼女はアメリカの医療システムが世界では変わっていると感じている。
④ 彼女は違う別の病院が彼女の友達にはもっとよかったのに、と考えている。
① She believes the smartphone app is useful.
② She considers travel preparation to be important.
▶︎最初の段落で、”There are many things to consider before traveling abroad:…”
③ She feels the US medical system is unique in the world.
④ She thinks a different hospital would have been better for her friend.
▶︎「筆者の友達」- ブラジルの友達については「骨を折ったけど、the Premium Plan に入っていたので、すべて保険でカバーされた」とあるだけで、「別の病院」などの話はしていないので、❌
② She considers travel preparation to be important. となります。
第2問 Bを終わります。
次は、第3問 のAの解説です。